MovingBlocks / DestinationSol

Official continuation of Destination Sol, the great fun little arcade space shooter from Modules live at
Apache License 2.0
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Box art for Twitch/GOG and Steam #419

Open ghost opened 5 years ago

ghost commented 5 years ago Currently the listing for Destination Sol on twitch has no box art. Box art is added to twitch via Giant Bomb as a 3:4 ratio image (600x800) GOG also uses this format and anyone using their galaxy 2.0 launcher will prefer this size.

Steam will be changing their tile size this year (2:3 ratio, or 600x900) to something more narrow than Twitch/GOG use. Ideally new tiles would be made to accommodate both platforms.

Cervator commented 5 years ago

Hi @rogersachan - thanks for the suggestion, but for this to be a useful issue could you please elaborate and provide some links for an artist to use to get the exact size, format, etc?

Cervator commented 5 years ago

Much appreciated!

I didn't even realize DS had a Twitch entry :-)

ghost commented 5 years ago

Untitled here's something i made from the existing tile. it's far from ideal and not too readable. is there any source for the art and logo I can use?

Adrijaned commented 5 years ago

Hi rogersachan. We do not even use the logo you used anymore, but we don't have exactly organized our art assets either. You can see the current logo at

ghost commented 5 years ago

If someone can track down the art assets I can make new boxart, and thanks for letting me know about the new logo.

Adrijaned commented 5 years ago

@Sigma-One would you happen to know where these might be hiding, or perchance have some more assets in your own that could be used?

ghost commented 5 years ago


here's my new take on it based on the assets existing in the repo

Adrijaned commented 5 years ago

That looks almost perfect! Just a small details, could you make it 100px higher, so it can be directly used for steam, as per ? And, would you be willing to provide even the other two pieces of artworks as per the template to download on the same address? And another small nitpick - Could you supply it as PNG instead of JPG?

Adrijaned commented 5 years ago

Oh, just noticed you linked the steam post too from your init comment :sweat_smile:

Adrijaned commented 5 years ago

@Cervator Could you make an ofiicial MovingBlocks twitch acount sometimes? They require an official company email for that. GOG, I'd say, is out of the question for now.

ghost commented 5 years ago

@Adrijaned I'll get on that immediately.

As for updating the GOG Galaxy cover, they source all their info from IGDB (e.g. . Update the info on this database and it will make its way down to the gog galaxy launcher.

Adrijaned commented 5 years ago

Wait, we are on GOG already? (Admittedly, I,ve never sed their GOG Launcher, as its Windows only?)

ghost commented 5 years ago

their new launcher supports games across stores, so they get their info from IGDB, If someone uses the GOG Galaxy launcher and installs Destination Sol then the game will be added to their launcher with info from IGDB.

ghost commented 5 years ago

copter wefwef

ghost commented 5 years ago

posted 600x800 and 600x900 versions above, can provide the file if necessary

ghost commented 5 years ago

is there a folder I can PR the assets to?

Cervator commented 5 years ago

@Adrijaned our Twitch already exists, not that it is being used much :-)

@rogersachan Android icon type assets live at and it looks like we've got outdated versions there too. Main game assets are either at or possibly if specific to the PC application (probably the case for virtual store stuff)

ghost commented 5 years ago

I'll make new icons for the android port in that case.

@Adrijaned I'll make a pull request to that places both covers and the PDN source file

ghost commented 5 years ago new steam design beta launches september 17

Adrijaned commented 5 years ago

Box art uploaded to steam

ghost commented 5 years ago

image I think the same images for the logo and background should be uploaded to steam to take advantage of the theming.

ghost commented 5 years ago any update on uploading the remaining assets?

ghost commented 5 years ago here are the remaining assets necessary for steam (logo unmodified, background cropped to fit reqs)

Adrijaned commented 5 years ago

Done, and in the process also marked our game available for distribution in brasil. I'm not saying this couldn't have been done earlier, but I just forgot :sweat_smile:

ghost commented 5 years ago

In the recent months Twitch bought IGDB, so now that the IGDB page has updated art I think this issue can be closed unless updating the art is pressing.

Adrijaned commented 5 years ago

It is not a pressing issue, however, with how relaxed the development has been lately, I see no harm in leaving this open for a little longer. Even if just a reminder that game databases mentioned here exist and we are in those.