MovingBlocks / Gooey

Just your friendly #terasology IRC bot :-)
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Add github connectors #1

Closed msteiger closed 10 years ago

msteiger commented 10 years ago

There are a few connectors to the GitHub API available for hubot:

Show issue links (e.g. #1054) in IRC

Same for commit SHAs

Show issues

Push Notifications

It would be nice to have them available for Gooey as well

Cervator commented 10 years ago

I think it would be as simple as enabling the modules, configure them somewhere, and re-launch Gooey on Heroku. We've tested GitHub repo creation via Gooey before.

Pretty much just needs somebody interested in testing it some, @simplyianm currently runs Gooey out of his Heroku account, but we can move it over to be launched via Jenkins instead

macalinao commented 10 years ago

Just ping me on IRC after making the changes. All I have to do is push it to Heroku.

Cervator commented 10 years ago


macalinao commented 10 years ago

Added in recent commits.