MovingBlocks / Gooey

Just your friendly #terasology IRC bot :-)
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Have Gooey manage a role/team approach on IRC/Slack for allowing further access to commands #5

Open Cervator opened 10 years ago

Cervator commented 10 years ago

Worked with @simplyianm on this in the past (original issue: and it was working partially. Need to refresh/replace that with a nice fully functional approach. Could be either "role" or "team" - there was just some existing functionality in Hubot that supported "role"

Idea is that with a single command on IRC by an admin Gooey will:

Sample full command (taken from the old issue, optional in square brackets):

Gooey [please] create repo MyModule for AlbireoX [who is simplyianm on GitHub]

Should also support the role/voice piece separately Gooey [please] give AlbireoX role MyModule

This issue just needs the first two steps, the remainder can be placeholders until they're added.

Additional thoughts:

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