MovingBlocks / Terasology

Terasology - open source voxel world
Apache License 2.0
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Defunct graphics settings #5152

Open WeDoStuffUncorp opened 8 months ago

WeDoStuffUncorp commented 8 months ago

While testing Terasology's graphics settings recently, I found a few settings that didn't seem to work as intended or at all.

The following is a list of all of these settings, as well as notes on each one:

AuroraBorealish commented 7 months ago

Additional graphical issue: Torches all flicker in unison with "Flickering lights" on, which is the default setting. Personally, this is quite jarring, and makes it so that no matter how many torches, it will be completely dark every 2 seconds or so, when inside a house with indoor lighting.

Imitater967 commented 3 months ago

About Vignette, we need to change the texture mannually at org/terasology/engine/assets/textures/vignette.png About the eye adaption, I already fixed it at About the Bloom, exactly what you said. ExtraLightning is normalMapping, but we don't see any normalmap related document in the tutorial. ClampLightning is just a empy property and just usless, so I suggest remove clamplightning in both ui and Rendering Confing, bloom, extralightning just remove them in UI, because they are likely needed in the future. image

Imitater967 commented 3 months ago

Additional graphical issue: Torches all flicker in unison with "Flickering lights" on, which is the default setting. Personally, this is quite jarring, and makes it so that no matter how many torches, it will be completely dark every 2 seconds or so, when inside a house with indoor lighting.

You can find related code at globalFunctionsFragIncl.glsl, the flickeringLightOffset seems separated perchunk, instead of perblock.

I think, we may add some parameter like waving the water .

forexample image

Imitater967 commented 2 months ago

2 quest remain. remove clamp lightning from UI, rendering config and any related code you can find. investigate how to separate the flickering light offset per block instead of per chunk (we need to be considerate of the performance impact here, though - if it impacts performance noticably we probably don't want to merge that until we improved performance a bunch first)

jdrueckert commented 2 months ago

Eye-adaptation fixed by Bloom fixed by Vignette improved by

Thank you for the great work @Imitater967 :green_heart: