MovingBlocks / Terasology

Terasology - open source voxel world
Apache License 2.0
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Part fix for M1 support #5211

Closed priya4991 closed 4 months ago

priya4991 commented 4 months ago

Partly fixes #5055 . Adds support for lwjgl for macOS-arm64, and updates protoc version from 3.17.0 to 3.18.0 (3.17.0 has no arm64 support).

Still doesnt resolve the build issue due to JNBullet as follows

Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 7 21 28 pm

EDIT: Updated protobuf and protoc to 3.22.0 instead of 3.18.0, as protobuf 3.18.0 has vulnerabilities.

soloturn commented 4 months ago

would it be ok to update to same protobuf version everywhere?

❯ git grep protobuf | grep gradle
build.gradle.kts:    id("") version "0.9.4" apply false
build.gradle.kts:            file("protobuf"),
docs/ you're seeing compilation errors relating to protobuf then you might need to run `gradlew genProto` to generate these sources.
engine-tests/build.gradle.kts:    implementation("")
engine/build.gradle:    id("")
engine/build.gradle:            srcDir "src/main/protobuf"
engine/build.gradle:    implementation("")
engine/build.gradle:    // Javax for protobuf due to @Generated - needed on Java 9 or newer Javas
engine/build.gradle:    // TODO: Can likely replace with protobuf Gradle task and omit the generated source files instead
engine/build.gradle:protobuf {
engine/build.gradle:        artifact = ""
priya4991 commented 4 months ago

@soloturn I have updated protobuf and protoc versions to 3.22.0 instead of 3.18.0 because I found some vulnerabilities on the 3.18.0 version of protobuf.

jdrueckert commented 4 months ago

Also doesn't seem to break anything obvious on non-mac.

BenjaminAmos commented 4 months ago

For JNBullet, somebody may want to revive MovingBlocks/JNBullet#16.

jdrueckert commented 4 months ago

Failing test is known sporadic and not expected to be related to this change. Merging despite failing check.