MovingBlocks / Terasology

Terasology - open source voxel world
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Add setting for tone mapping #5229

Open Imitater967 opened 3 months ago

Imitater967 commented 3 months ago

There is ToonMapping in the code, and close finished, but i didn't find any options to enable or disable it

Cervator commented 3 months ago

This may be the old cell shading edger thing. Depending on perspective or what not a leading edge of blocks and things would get a somewhat thick black border for artistic style. I think it is similar to how it works in the game Borderlands?

Come to think of it I haven't seen that for years - yet I have no memory of it explicitly being dropped or talked about in the past. Now I suddenly kinda miss it. It felt very distinct - but also oh so long ago.

This may be hard to explain without a screenshot, here's one I grabbed off Google from Borderlands that sort of shows it, largely on the top of the terrain to the right:


Imitater967 commented 3 months ago

This is an outline thing, sorry I made a mistake, it's tone mapping, not toon mapping.

Tone mapping is a thing that remap HDR color to LDR space.

see this video for futher information

Cervator commented 3 months ago

Oooh... Tone mapping not Toon mapping - yeah okay 😁

ToneMapping - maybe that's one of a couple effects that were introduced long ago to make block textures better ? Like one was meant to make cracks look 3D while another made metallic spots "shiny" - both of them depended on outright definitions on a block to enable the feature.

Imitater967 commented 3 months ago

Oooh... Tone mapping not Toon mapping - yeah okay 😁

ToneMapping - maybe that's one of a couple effects that were introduced long ago to make block textures better ? Like one was meant to make cracks look 3D while another made metallic spots "shiny" - both of them depended on outright definitions on a block to enable the feature.

nope. cracks 3d and metallic shinny are PBR shader. Tone mapping is a post process