MovingBlocks / box2d-editor

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Adding a loader. #42

Open alexNecroJack opened 6 years ago

alexNecroJack commented 6 years ago

Hello! I made a custom loader for JBox2D and I would like to upload it here... Sadly I have NO idea how gradle works -I am happy I managed to make gradle run the editor, by mere luck :D- so I don't know where I should put the loader file in the project in order for it to be in the right place and shoot a pull request afterwards. I'm not even talking about building it afterwards xD You'll have to put it in the right foler/package :)

Info about me: -I'm using netbeans, and Netbeans doesn't find any project in the box2d-editor folder (nor in editor folder) -I hve no idea about gradle, but I found out bitsa about how to use it in cmd :D -I'm willing to learn if you have useful (and short) links for: ->Gradle ->How to build the project / How to open it in Netbeans

Cervator commented 6 years ago

Hey there! Nice to hear from you :-)

@vampcat might be a good person to catch up with sometime. Do you use IRC or Discord by chance?

We haven't quite finished refactoring the project so fuller IDE support is still on the list, and poor Netbeans usually draws the short straw for attention last.

You can start by just making a PR from a throwaway branch with any work you'd like reviewed/added anywhere, then when we see it we can advise more clearly where to put it :-)

Or if it is tiny enough throw it into a Gist or even inline it.

alexNecroJack commented 6 years ago

Oh, hey! I had no idea about Gists (naturally ^^). PERFECT solution :D Here you go! (I hope it'e the right link :) ).

Nooo, sadly only Facebook and Skype. I'd like it to stay that way unless the need comes xD (What is a throwaway branch?? O,o I only see develop and master, no thrash-looking-named branch :d ... :D don't inderstand)

NOTE: The code most likely will be:

If Netbeans come into support, I 'd like to do some coding :)

Cervator commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the Gist :-) Poking somebody for review

IRC doesn't even need an account, so that's easy. You can just open in a browser and hop on. Timing can be tricky though especially with time zones and all that.

Throwaway branch would be in your fork - that is, you'd fork this repo then make a branch named something sensible, like new_loader, commit and push your stuff there, then open a PR with no real intent for it to be merged, but just for an initial look. Later on you'd just delete that branch and if appropriate start fresh with stuff in the right place :-) Thus throwaway

Code of any quality is a fine starting point. The pull request review process is all about feedback and improvement :-)