Moya / Moya

Network abstraction layer written in Swift.
MIT License
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NSURLSessionTask priority #2174

Open ntnmrndn opened 3 years ago

ntnmrndn commented 3 years ago


I was wondering wether Moya would consider adding support for prioritisation through NSURLSessionTask .priority property.

Do you have thoughts on the subject ?

ljluestc commented 7 months ago
import Moya
import Foundation

class PrioritizedMoyaProvider<Target>: MoyaProvider<Target> where Target: TargetType {

    override func request(_ target: Target, callbackQueue: DispatchQueue? = .none, progress: ProgressBlock? = .none, completion: @escaping Completion) -> Cancellable {
        let requestCompletion: Completion = { result in
            // Call the original completion handler with the result

        // Create a URLRequest using the target
        let urlRequest = try! target.urlRequest()

        // Create a URLSessionTask from the URLRequest
        let task = session.dataTask(with: urlRequest) { data, response, error in
            // Process the URLSessionTask response
            let result = Result<Response, MoyaError>.init(catching: {
                // Handle the response and error to create a Moya Response or Moya Error
                // Note: This logic should be adapted to fit your specific needs
                // For demonstration purposes, we'll just create a simple response
                let response = Response(statusCode: 200, data: data ?? Data())
                return response

            // Call the request completion handler with the result

        // Set the task priority based on your logic
        // For demonstration purposes, we'll set it to high priority for all requests
        task.priority = URLSessionTask.highPriority

        // Start the URLSessionTask

        // Return a Cancellable object representing the URLSessionTask
        return AnyCancellable(task)