Mozilla-Ocho / llamafile

Distribute and run LLMs with a single file.
17.26k stars 862 forks source link

Homebrew formula #35

Open fakerybakery opened 7 months ago

fakerybakery commented 7 months ago

Hi, Will you consider publishing this to Homebrew?

g-k commented 5 months ago

👋 I took a stab at adding a source install and a binary install to Homebrew.

The sticking points I've run into are:

Some options:

  1. sign and notarize the llamafile release binaries for the binary install
  2. vendor cosmopolitan in llamafile and build both from source (ok but not preferred for Homebrew)
    1. or add a new source install Homebrew formula for cosmopolitan and depend on it for the llamafile formula. Preferred to vendoring.
  3. update llamafile to support using other build chains for source installs. This breaks cross-platform support which AFAIK is a key goal of llamafile.
  4. do nothing. Consider llamafile a file format primarily and distribution of the release binaries not a priority at this time.
  5. recommend users disable System Integrity Protection for the existing binary install. This is inadvisable, but might be acceptable for expert/beta users with appropriate warnings.

Happy to add context or lay out some options for the signing route if that's of interest. Thanks!

AlekSi commented 3 months ago

for the binary install, Darwin/OSX on arm64 won't run binaries that aren't signed and notarized by Apple

I think that could be resolved with brew install --no-quarantine.

Also, even if llamafile is not accepted into the main Homebrew repos, a custom tap can be created. Formulae/casks there can just download binaries.