Mozilla-Ocho / llamafile

Distribute and run LLMs with a single file.
18.96k stars 964 forks source link

Error when using -ngl > 0 #359

Open JosephSBoyle opened 4 months ago

JosephSBoyle commented 4 months ago

Hia, I'm able to run on CPU, but when I try to run with GPU using:

$ ./llamafile.exe -m Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct.Q4_0.llamafile -ngl 999 --port 7777

I get the following crash and error message:

initializing gpu module...
dynamically linking /C/Users/BoylJos/AppData/Local/Temp/6/.llamafile/ggml-rocm.dll
library not found: failed to load library
dynamically linking /C/Users/BoylJos/AppData/Local/Temp/6/.llamafile/ggml-cuda.dll
GPU support successfully linked and loaded

error: Uncaught SIGSEGV (SEGV_-1073741784) at 0x7ffc1766660d on XB-EHSAI-1 pid 19752 tid 23984


  No such file or directory

  Windows Cosmopolitan 3.2.4 MODE=x86_64 XB-EHSAI-1 10.0-20348

RAX 0000000000000000 RBX 00007000007d8301 RDI 0000000000000000
RCX 0000000000000000 RDX 0000000000000000 RSI 00007000007d83d0
RBP 00007000007d81d0 RSP 00007000007d7bd0 RIP 00007ffc1766660d
R8 0000000000000000  R9 0000000000020000 R10 00007000007d6e60
R11 00007000007d6e60 R12 00007ffc0e4c5e96 R13 0000000000000000
R14 00007000007d8940 R15 0000000000000000
TLS 0000000000719640

XMM0  00000028000000280000000000000000 XMM8  00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM1  00000000000000000000000000000001 XMM9  00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM2  00000000000000000000000000000000 XMM10 00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM3  00007000007d70300000000000800000 XMM11 00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM4  00000000000000000000000000000000 XMM12 00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM5  00007000000000280000000000000000 XMM13 00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM6  0073006f004a006c0079006f0042005c XMM14 00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM7  00730072006500730055005c003a0043 XMM15 00000000000000000000000000000000

cosmoaddr2line /E/ai/llm/llamafile.exe 7ffc1766660d 7ffc1758cb71

0000007ee5e0 7ffc1766660d NULL+0
7000007d81d0 7ffc1758cb71 NULL+0

I'm using v0.6 of the project, if that helps

jart commented 4 months ago

Please run:

./llamafile.exe -m Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct.Q4_0.llamafile -ngl 999 --port 7777 --strace

And copy / paste me the last 20 or so lines that happen before it crashes.

Next, run this command:

./llamafile.exe -m Meta-Llama-3-70B-Instruct.Q4_0.llamafile -ngl 999 --port 7777 --ftrace --strace

And copy / paste the last 20 or so lines it prints into this issue, and ideally include the full log attached too.

Thanks! Sorry you're encountering this issue :'(

jart commented 4 months ago

Also, I just have to ask, do you really have a graphics card on Windows with 50 GB of VRAM?

benclark158 commented 4 months ago

Hi @jart - I'm on the same team as @JosephSBoyle so will be replying a bit as well when they aren't available

We are running a Quadro RTX 5000 with 16GB dedicated. Plus 128GB RAM and yes on Windows.

Here is the --strace

dynamically linking C:\Users\ClarBen2/.llamafile/ggml-cuda.dll
SYS  25728  25044      1'877'073'168 write(2, u"dynamically linking C:\\Users\\ClarBen2"..., 68) → 68 ENOENT
SYS  25728  25044      1'879'818'000 dlopen("C:\\Users\\ClarBen2/.llamafile/ggml-cuda.dll", 1) → 0x7ffb9e440000 ENOENT
SYS  25728  25044      1'879'927'005 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_link") → 0x7ffb9e465d30
SYS  25728  25044      1'879'959'935 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_init_cublas") → 0x7ffb9e4666d0
SYS  25728  25044      1'879'987'069 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cublas_loaded") → 0x7ffb9e464fa0
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'013'122 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_host_free") → 0x7ffb9e465b50
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'039'062 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_host_malloc") → 0x7ffb9e465c50
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'065'434 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_can_mul_mat") → 0x7ffb9e4650f0
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'091'412 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_set_tensor_split") → 0x7ffb9e465e80
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'117'834 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_transform_tensor") → 0x7ffb9e4660b0
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'144'584 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_free_data") → 0x7ffb9e465690
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'171'465 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_assign_buffers") → 0x7ffb9e464fb0
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'197'696 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_assign_buffers_no_scratch") → 0x7ffb9e464fe0
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'224'400 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_assign_buffers_force_inplace") → 0x7ffb9e464fc0
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'251'886 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_assign_buffers_no_alloc") → 0x7ffb9e464fd0
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'279'032 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_assign_scratch_offset") → 0x7ffb9e464ff0
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'305'586 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_copy_to_device") → 0x7ffb9e465540
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'331'526 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_set_main_device") → 0x7ffb9e465d40
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'358'330 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_set_scratch_size") → 0x7ffb9e465e40
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'385'050 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_free_scratch") → 0x7ffb9e4658b0
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'411'198 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_compute_forward") → 0x7ffb9e465190
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'437'776 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_get_device_count") → 0x7ffb9e4659d0
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'464'342 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_cuda_get_device_description") → 0x7ffb9e4659f0
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'491'582 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_backend_reg_cuda_init") → 0x7ffb9e464f90
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'518'204 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_backend_cuda_host_buffer_type") → 0x7ffb9e464dc0
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'544'752 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_backend_cuda_buffer_type") → 0x7ffb9e464ae0
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'571'894 dlsym(0x7ffb9e440000, "ggml_backend_cuda_init") → 0x7ffb9e464e80
GPU support successfully linked and loaded
SYS  25728  25044      1'880'635'518 write(2, u"GPU support successfully linked and load"..., 43) → 43 ENOENT
SYS  25728  25044      1'895'807'158 win32 vectored exception 0xC0000028u raising SIGSEGV cosmoaddr2line /e/ai/llm/llamafile.exe 7ffc1766660d 7ffc1758cb71
SYS  25728  25044      1'895'927'856 resetting SIGSEGV handler
SYS  25728  25044      1'895'998'713 gethostname(["****"], 64) → 0 ENOENT
SYS  25728  25044      1'896'058'841 uname([{"Windows", "****", "10.0-20348", "Cosmopolitan 3.2.4 MODE=x86_64", "x86_64", "****"}]) → 0 ENOENT

error: Uncaught SIGSEGV (SEGV_-1073741784) at 0x7ffc1766660d on **** pid 25728 tid 25044
  No such file or directory
  Windows Cosmopolitan 3.2.4 MODE=x86_64 **** 10.0-20348

RAX 0000000000000000 RBX 00007000007d8301 RDI 0000000000000000
RCX 0000000000000000 RDX 0000000000000000 RSI 00007000007d83d0
RBP 00007000007d81d0 RSP 00007000007d7bd0 RIP 00007ffc1766660d
 R8 0000000000000000  R9 0000000000020000 R10 00007000007d6e60
R11 00007000007d6e60 R12 00007ffc0e4c5e96 R13 0000000000000000
R14 00007000007d8940 R15 0000000000000000
TLS 0000000000719640

XMM0  00000028000000280000000000000000 XMM8  00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM1  00000000000000000000000000000001 XMM9  00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM2  00000000000000000000000000000000 XMM10 00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM3  00007000007d70300000000000800000 XMM11 00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM4  00000000000000000000000000000000 XMM12 00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM5  00007000000000280000000000000000 XMM13 00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM6  006e0065004200720061006c0043005c XMM14 00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM7  00730072006500730055005c003a0043 XMM15 00000000000000000000000000000000

cosmoaddr2line /e/ai/llm/llamafile.exe 7ffc1766660d 7ffc1758cb71

and the --ftrace

SYS  27568  22732      6'065'652'658 write(2, u"GPU support successfully linked and load"..., 43) → 43 ENOENT
FUN  27568  22732      6'065'680'558  14'296                 &pthread_setcancelstate
FUN  27568  22732      6'081'232'534     416 &__sig_unmaskable
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'196'570   1'632 &FindDebugBinary
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'247'524   1'648   &cosmo_once
SYS  27568  22732      6'097'274'342 win32 vectored exception 0xC0000028u raising SIGSEGV cosmoaddr2line /e/ai/llm/llamafile.exe 7ffc1766660d 7ffc1758cb71
SYS  27568  22732      6'097'305'890 resetting SIGSEGV handler
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'331'046   1'632 &_ntcontext2linux
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'358'251   1'632 &__oncrash
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'383'663   1'680   &__errno_location
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'409'130   1'680   &IsDebuggerPresent
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'435'668   1'680   &__restore_tty
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'461'618   1'680   &ShowCrashReport
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'491'572  10'960     &gethostname
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'516'844  11'008       &gethostname_nt
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'545'528  11'824         &GetComputerNameEx
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'615'336  11'824         &tprecode16to8
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'641'945  11'904           &_tpenc
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'666'851  11'824         &memccpy
SYS  27568  22732      6'097'692'090 gethostname(["****"], 64) → 0 ENOENT
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'720'818  10'960     &uname
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'746'406  11'536       &__FormatUint32
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'771'712  11'536       &GetComputerNameEx
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'813'014  11'536       &tprecode16to8
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'838'758  11'616         &_tpenc
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'863'384  11'536       &GetComputerNameEx
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'907'488  11'536       &tprecode16to8
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'932'873  11'616         &_tpenc
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'957'875  11'536       &strlcat
FUN  27568  22732      6'097'983'017  11'536       &strlcpy
SYS  27568  22732      6'098'007'884 uname([{"Windows", "****", "10.0-20348", "Cosmopolitan 3.2.4 MODE=x86_64", "x86_64", "****"}]) → 0 ENOENT
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'038'743  10'960     &__errno_location
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'147'101  10'960     &strerror
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'193'570  10'976       &strerror_r
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'220'979  11'056         &GetLastError
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'248'082  10'960     &gettid
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'273'601  10'960     &getpid
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'299'684  10'960     &__is_stack_overflow
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'326'616  10'992       &getauxval
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'351'991  11'024         &__getauxval
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'378'499  10'992     &DescribeSiCode
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'404'772  11'040       &stpcpy
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'430'309  11'040       &__FormatInt32
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'455'885  11'056         &__FormatUint32
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'481'734  11'040       &stpcpy
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'507'145  11'040       &__FormatInt32
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'532'882  11'056         &__FormatUint32
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'561'946  10'992     &stpcpy
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'588'569  10'992     &DescribeCpuFlags.isra.0
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'739'741  11'024       &AddFlag
FUN  27568  22732      6'098'889'288  10'992     &ShowSseRegisters

error: Uncaught SIGSEGV (SEGV_-1073741784) at 0x7ffc1766660d on **** pid 27568 tid 22732
  No such file or directory
  Windows Cosmopolitan 3.2.4 MODE=x86_64 **** 10.0-20348

RAX 0000000000000000 RBX 00007000007d8301 RDI 0000000000000000
RCX 0000000000000000 RDX 0000000000000000 RSI 00007000007d83d0
RBP 00007000007d81d0 RSP 00007000007d7bd0 RIP 00007ffc1766660d
 R8 0000000000000000  R9 0000000000020000 R10 00007000007d6e60
R11 00007000007d6e60 R12 00007ffc0e4c5e96 R13 0000000000000000
R14 00007000007d8940 R15 0000000000000000
TLS 0000000000719640

XMM0  00000028000000280000000000000000 XMM8  00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM1  00000000000000000000000000000001 XMM9  00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM2  00000000000000000000000000000000 XMM10 00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM3  00007000007d70300000000000800000 XMM11 00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM4  00000000000000000000000000000000 XMM12 00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM5  00007000000000280000000000000000 XMM13 00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM6  006e0065004200720061006c0043005c XMM14 00000000000000000000000000000000
XMM7  00730072006500730055005c003a0043 XMM15 00000000000000000000000000000000