MozillaFestival / mozfest-program-2018

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2018
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Green dots don't matter, Contributing does. #106

Open mozfest-bot opened 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] d4f6550e-7d89-4bb1-97f8-f0a20e609410

[ Session Name ] Green dots don't matter, Contributing does. [ Primary Space ] Youth Zone [ Secondary Space ] Openness

[ Submitter's Name ] Vipul Gupta [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Sugar Labs (GSoC) [ Submitter's GitHub ] @vipulgupta2048

What will happen in your session?

In today's life where things like Github profiles has become a criteria to judge someone's skills and talents, everyone is running towards contributing to Open-Source. Open Source didn't start out like that, and never was meant for that.

Green dots on your profile shouldn't matter to you, if you help people out in issues. How many contribution you have in a year doesn't matter, if you never knew what you were really contributing towards.

I didn't knew as well. I learnt in my years of giving back. In this lession, I like to share my views, lessons and failures. For both new and old contributors let's come together and put forward a step towards a better opensource space for all.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

My goal is for me to get better at contributing to organisations and projects. My goal is to work and help towards making people, the new generation better in contributing towards FOSS.

Thinking about personal gain in this space, always lead to disastrous consequences for organisations. I like to help people understand and remember that open-source is not about one guy. But an entire community from all parts of the world coming together to do something good, something no one person could do.

The goal is to be better on the world wide web as the youth that we are for the people with us and the people yet to come onboard.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

None, I can get a game in if people are reslly interested to help them open up. Networking is a very strong part of community and contributing. Most people don't realise it.

Time needed

less than 60 mins

chadsansing commented 6 years ago

Can you describe how you might help participants discover their own definitions and uses for openness and contribution? I wonder if newcomers to openness will be ready to understand your perspective without learning more about openness and contributing in general. Is there a contributing game that might be developed here? If so, how might it work to help teach the characteristics and benefits of openness and contributorship?

vipulgupta2048 commented 6 years ago

@chadsansing Hi, thanks for responding. So I would answer pointwise.

vipulgupta2048 commented 6 years ago

Right, the sole idea of the game (exercise) is for people to open up. Get chilled out. Relieve themselves. Be themselves. People in a community should be participating actively, to keep the morale up and get contributions from each and every person. And that happens when people speak, share their views, get them out for everyone to hear. This happens for the first time when a newcomer joins the community.

chadsansing commented 6 years ago

I like the idea of a welcoming opening and heart-to-heart conversation about contributing and motivations for it. Are there examples you might share, apart from Van Rossum and Torvalds, of leaders of technical or non-technical projects or communities who share more governance with contributors outside of the "benevolent dictator" model?

vipulgupta2048 commented 6 years ago

Thanks, your words are very encouraging. I hope my answers were appropriate enough. I like any improvements or more points to cover in my talk.

Personally, I love this thing that Mozilla does - This sums my talk perfectly, that for these people if green dots mattered if prizes, money, or benefits like these mattered then Mozilla won't be what it is today.

vipulgupta2048 commented 6 years ago

I would be a little partial, but one of the most inspirational person. I find close to me is Walter Bender and James Cameron that contribute to the development of Sugar Labs (It's my GSoC, org.)

I could people from all walks of life. Get the momentum going. Like it?

chadsansing commented 6 years ago

I appreciate all the continued engagement and explanation here, @vipulgupta2048.

vipulgupta2048 commented 6 years ago

Back at you :hatching_chick: @chadsansing Hey, does this proposal look fine, anything I should add or if its appropriate in the category that it is in right now. Just asking.

chadsansing commented 6 years ago

@vipulgupta2048, the best thing to do is to check in here and respond to questions and comments as they come up.

chadsansing commented 6 years ago

@vipulgupta2048, would you please let us know if you would be able to attend MozFest without a stipend?

vipulgupta2048 commented 6 years ago

Hi @chadsansing, I really couldn't. I wish my proposal won't be rejected on the basis of this. I really worked hard on it.

I checked very considerately from my side as well if I could travel to London from India. The flight tickets are way too expensive, and on addition the visa, accomodation and other expenses that I would be glad if it were included. I really can't, I am just a student with no income source. It would mean the world for me to attend Mozfest, this year and give this talk in front of the people gathered, and talk about a real issue that we see in our communities. But without a stipend it just ain't possible.

chadsansing commented 6 years ago

Thank you for the extra information, @vipulgupta2048 -