MozillaFestival / mozfest-program-2018

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2018
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The puzzle recognition #110

Open mozfest-bot opened 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] 1731c392-dfe7-46e2-b919-4763e34350e3

[ Session Name ] The puzzle recognition [ Primary Space ] Youth Zone [ Secondary Space ] Privacy and Security

[ Submitter's Name ] Uriel Jurado [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] UNAM

[ Other Facilitator 1's Name ] Paul Aguilar

[ Language ] Spanish English

[ Localisation Support Requested ] No, I can host the session myself

What will happen in your session?

Two teams will have to make the same puzzle,there will be a wall to separate each team,and to avoid that the can see what is the other team doing.One team will see a video about how the puzzle was made before by another teams.The other team will see nothing.Then both teams will start to make the puzzle.Then we will explain that in the same way the video helped to the first team to make the puzzle faster than the second team,that is how machine learning works. After each time the algorithm computer do the same thing it perfects it and learn how to recognise it faster and more accurate.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

Our goal is that each person attending learns how your data is being processed when they use some some voice assistant.And that they learn the basics about machine learning for voice: In this case the video is our corpus,used as knowledge base,and the action of seen the video by the team is the data processing phase.The same happens with Mozilla Common Voice(MCV),how more videos (voice recording in this case) we have from different people doing the same puzzle,more accurate and faster our algorithms will be.Also we need to encourage the audience that MCV is an open base of data for voice recognition and it promotes diversity and inclusion for all languages.Currently all the other options from Google, Apple are closed.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

We will need two tables, and something like a wall between them.

Time needed

less than 60 mins

chadsansing commented 6 years ago

Interesting activity. Is there a way to tie the puzzles and/or learning into the festival's theme, Your Data & You?

siclemx commented 6 years ago

Hi @chadsansing ,thank you. Yes, actually both are oriented to that.

One of the main goals of the session is that people attending realize what kind of data we all have, how we can used it and how new techniques are used to process it. But we cannot do that without teach the basics about one of the biggest new technologies: machine learning specifically oriented to voice recognition. And that's why all should know how does it work, and the differences between closed voice aplications and mozilla common voice. After the session we hope all the attendees discuss in their homes or schools about what they can do to improve, or create laws/terms of their favourite app, or even start a research in Machine Learning.

chadsansing commented 6 years ago

Thank you for sharing that explanation, @siclemx!

siclemx commented 6 years ago

You're welcome @chadsansing :)

Any feedback is welcome.

gbaman commented 6 years ago

@siclemx can I confirm if this session is being run by a young person or an adult?

siclemx commented 6 years ago

Hi @gbaman XX-year-old person :)

edit: numbers XXed 😉

tinagoetschi commented 6 years ago

Hi @siclemx Can you tell us a bit more about how your session will be specially aimed at young people? thanks! Tina

siclemx commented 6 years ago

Hi @tinagoetschi !

The session will encourage youth people to:

Will explain:

All of this is talked not in a conference, is explained in the game, this is not a conference with slides with hundreds of words and bored definitions, is more like a talk with friends, learning at the same time you have fun with the puzzle. Explaining why the game has each phase and ingredient, and how that phases and ingredients are used in real life, of course no using bored and exhausting technicalities.

Machine Learning is the future of technologies and I want that youth people start to be interested about how does it works and how they can start to use it.

chadsansing commented 6 years ago

@siclemx, would you please let us know if you would be able to attend MozFest without a stipend?

siclemx commented 6 years ago

Hi @chadsansing unfortunately not, I'm at university and it's a little bit complicated for me. Perhaps I could pay some little percent of the flight to don't miss this opportunity to attend mozfest.