MozillaFestival / mozfest-program-2018

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2018
100 stars 21 forks source link

Build your own decentralized application (Ðapp) on the blockchain using ethereum #136

Closed mozfest-bot closed 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] ce9df6b5-1f74-4bed-98e9-7ce4f9e16004

[ Session Name ] Build you own decentralized application (Ðapp) on the blockchain using ethereum [ Primary Space ] Decentralisation [ Secondary Space ] Openness

[ Submitter's Name ] Abhiram Ravikumar [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Mozilla Tech Speakers [ Submitter's GitHub ] @abhi12ravi

[ Language ] Hindi

[ Localisation Support Requested ] No, I can host the session myself

What will happen in your session?

The session will start with an overview of blockchain technology, move on to what a distributed ledger is, then introduce a real life example of bitcoin. Next, I'll explain the subtle differences between bitcoin and blockchain by introducing use-cases.

Once participants realize the extent and use of blockchains, I will then introduce the concept of d-apps and the ethereum platform. Hands-on workshop follows (

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

The aim of the workshop is to ensure that participants are made aware about the technicalities of blockchain - a decentralized database that's used to make sure that transactions are immutable and helps build trust among its users. Participants are exposed to the entire ethereum stack and by themselves - able to compile, deploy and interact with the application. At the end of the workshop, the participants would’ve built their first decentralized voting application using the ethereum framework on the blockchain.

The larger goal is to help participants to appreciate decentralization as a philosophy and the concept of trust over the internet to build applications on their own or contribute to the plethora of open source Ðapps listed here (

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

A few post-its, white sheets and sharpies would come in handy during brainstorming.

Time needed

90 mins

abhi12ravi commented 6 years ago

Oops, the title is Build your own decentralized application (Ðapp) on the blockchain using ethereum. Sorry for the typo.

KadeMorton commented 6 years ago

@abhi12ravi Thanks for submitting! Totally optional, if you want you can see if you want to work the theme of the decentralisation space into your presentation

rschulman commented 6 years ago

(Just fixing the title)

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to submit a session to MozFest.

Due to the high level of submissions, we’re unable to accept all proposals and unfortunately, your session was not part of the final group.

You'll receive a follow up email from us in the next few days.