MozillaFestival / mozfest-program-2018

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2018
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Storytelling with data: Data Scrapping with Twitter API and Python. #151

Open mozfest-bot opened 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] d0cfebc2-a0cf-443e-ace0-8f62d1251701

[ Session Name ] Storytelling with data: Data Scrapping with Twitter API and Python. [ Primary Space ] Openness [ Secondary Space ] Web Literacy

[ Submitter's Name ] Paloma Urtizberea García [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Chicas Poderosas [ Submitter's GitHub ] @pepaurtiz

[ Other Facilitator 1's Name ] Gia Castello [ Other Facilitator 1's GitHub ] @giacastello

[ Language ] Spanish

[ Localisation Support Requested ] No, I can host the session myself

What will happen in your session?

We’ll use the Twitter API and Python language of programming to scrape the Twitter webpage. We’ll work with twitter users interactions, hashtags, trending topics to find patterns in data. The workshop will start with some examples and a brainstorm of ideas based on all the possibilities the Twitter API can offer us to create a story. Then, the participants will be taught how to use the Twitter Developer Platform, install the Anaconda package and work with a Python script set up in a Jupyter Notebook that will help them connect with the Twitter API and play with a pre-designed project. After that, the attendees will be able to customize the script and learn how to visualize the data obtained.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

Every attendee will leave the session with an overview of how to use the Twitter API and to change/fix/model a python script in order to scrape the twitter webpage and obtain data from there. Also, they'll leave with a basic idea of Data Analysis and Data Science that will help them work with every data they would like to explore in the future. My main goal is to create a learning and collaborative atmosphere where every of the attendees, including me, can learn from each other and develop their own questions to answer through twitter data.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

Every attendee must have their own laptop in the aim to enhance the hands-on experience. Also, we'll need wifi in the room where the session will develope.

Time needed

90 mins

yochannah commented 6 years ago

I'm intrigued by this - it looks quite interesting! Do attendees need to know programming? Also, what happens if most attendees turn up without a laptop?

pepaurtizberea commented 6 years ago

Thank you! We are very excited about this workshop. Attendees won't need any programming background, is suitable for anyone that is interested in data, don't matter what profile background they have. During the workshop we will teach the basic python programming tools everyone will need to play with the script I'll provide. As this is a hands on workshop bringing a laptop is extremely recommended, the experience will be more enjoyable if everyone can play with the different parameters of the script by their own. Anyways, in case most attendees turn up without a laptop, we'll manage to create groups between people that do have laptop and people that don't and turn the workshop in a kind of hackathon, where people do a more collaborative work.