MozillaFestival / mozfest-program-2018

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2018
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Revolutionizing Science with the Open Web: The Iodide Project #174

Closed mozfest-bot closed 5 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] aae2ec3c-b143-4b1d-9f88-179f85552825

[ Session Name ] Revolutionizing Science with the Open Web: The Iodide Project [ Primary Space ] Digital Inclusion [ Secondary Space ] Decentralisation

[ Submitter's Name ] Brendan Colloran [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Mozilla [ Submitter's GitHub ] @bcolloran

[ Other Facilitator 1's Name ] Hamilton Ulmer [ Other Facilitator 1's GitHub ] @hamilton

[ Other Facilitator 2's Name ] Matt Grimes

[ Other Facilitator 3's Name ] William Lachance [ Other Facilitator 3's GitHub ] @wlach

What will happen in your session?

Despite the evolution of the web, the primary output of scientific inquiry is still paper. Enter Iodide - a portable, friction-less scientific computing environment designed to run entirely in your browser, giving researchers, data scientists, journalists, and the data-minded the power to create, remix, and share reproducible data analyses and visualizations using the power of web technologies. Participants will get an overview of how scientific computing & data analysis is done today, and how Iodide fits into that picture. The bulk of the time will involve an interactive hack session where we aid participants in crafting a notebook - importing a data set, exploring it, making a beautiful presentation out of it, and then effortlessly publishing it to the web.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

Participants will learn how scientific computing works, what the state of the art is today, and where the open web can improve the status quo. They will also develop an understanding of interactive data exploration and data visualization. Iodide empowers users to use modern web technology - WebGL, VR, WebAssembly - to make and share the kinds of visualizations that can’t easily be done otherwise. We've seen users make earthquake simulators, VR-powered brain models, interactive data maps, and other neat explorations. Participants are only bound by their creativity.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

A projector would be appreciated, but we can also bring our own if one isn't available.

The hack session itself will require participants to bring a laptop computer, but beyond a web browser, we don’t have any requirements for them.

Time needed

60 mins

jontutcher commented 6 years ago

Hey @bcolloran, @hamilton, @wlach. Thanks for your submission. What is the minimum spec for a laptop you're expecting participants to birng? Could it e.g. be done on Raspberry Pis with screens or similar, or is that a stretch?

wlach commented 6 years ago

A raspberry pi might be a stretch, but any consumer grade laptop released within the last 5 years or so should be fine.

mozfest-bot commented 5 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to submit a session to MozFest.

Due to the high level of submissions, we’re unable to accept all proposals and unfortunately, your session was not part of the final group.

You'll receive a follow up email from us in the next few days.