MozillaFestival / mozfest-program-2018

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2018
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Distributing the wealth created by open source software fairly? #208

Open mozfest-bot opened 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] 4ceab8aa-696a-48e2-98a0-dda15bd7c845

[ Session Name ] Distributing the wealth created by open source software fairly? [ Primary Space ] Digital Inclusion [ Secondary Space ] Decentralisation

[ Submitter's Name ] Georg Link [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] University of Nebraska at Omaha [ Submitter's GitHub ] @georglink

[ Other Facilitator 1's Name ] Don Marti

[ Other Facilitator 2's Name ] Andy Leak [ Other Facilitator 2's GitHub ] @andyl

[ Other Facilitator 3's Name ] Sneha Sinha [ Other Facilitator 3's GitHub ] @snehasi

What will happen in your session?

Companies have figured out how to generate value from open source software, but wealth generation and capture are not connected. In this session we will envision possible ways to create more value for users and developers by incentivizing better software, and to distribute this wealth amongst open source developers. We are using market design to avoid creating another gig economy for open source by giving agency to users and developers, and incentivizing important organizational and information-sharing work such as bug triage. We will lead with a short primer of the current situation of the open source ecosystem and then brainstorm in small groups possible changes that will distribute the wealth more fairly.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

Develop ideas for how the Bugmark prototype can support developers in fairly distributing the wealth created by open source software using market mechanisms. We aim to build an alternative to “gig economy” platforms, one that encourages all participants to develop decision-making power and capture the wealth created by their work instead of being locked-in to a centralized task assignment system that pays non negotiable minimal wages while capturing all the upside and leaving room for independent innovation.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

Moderation kit with pens, note cards, and pin boards for collecting ideas.

Time needed

90 mins

dmarti commented 6 years ago

Other Facilitator info Don Marti @dmarti (GitHub) @dmarti (Twitter)