MozillaFestival / mozfest-program-2018

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2018
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Data for Trade Unions #226

Open mozfest-bot opened 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] b9600883-fc0f-4762-a58d-24c6139c972e

[ Session Name ] Data for Trade Unions [ Primary Space ] Decentralisation [ Secondary Space ] Youth Zone

[ Submitter's Name ] Jonathan Penn [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] University of Cambridge

[ Other Facilitator 1's Name ] Christina Colclough

What will happen in your session?

In our session, we will ask participants to think about how digital technologies could be used by unions and young workers to improve young people's job quality and voice in the growing digital world of work. How can unions make best use of the data available to them? We will discuss the barriers that currently limit union's use of data and the skills and systems needed to overcome them. We will end by critiquing a three-part sustainable data strategy that covers (a) goal-setting, (b) data acquisition & stewardship, (c) potential applications.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

Recent predictions about the future of work point in the direction of an incredibly fluid labour market. Workers face a more precarious work life, where the individualisation of work -- seen as a push towards self-employment and loose contracts and other forms of non-standard employment -- become the norm. This is particularly the case for many young workers, who already today are experiencing rising unemployment and/or an increasingly loose attachment to the labour market. Our goal is to understand how trade unions from around the world – the natural and historic advisor and guardians of collective rights – must adapt to this new digital economy to meet the needs and aspirations of young workers. We want to hear your opinion!

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

A projector and office supplies (pens, post-it notes) would be fantastic to have if possible!

Time needed

60 mins

KadeMorton commented 6 years ago

Jonathan and Christina, thanks for the submission! Totally optional, but feel free to check out our space theme this year