MozillaFestival / mozfest-program-2018

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2018
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Defying our senses to promote diversity and inclusion in science communication with IGNITE #259

Open mozfest-bot opened 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] d6fa2088-6c67-4f8b-8eb5-40f5cbe7b823

[ Session Name ] Defying our senses to promote diversity and inclusion in science communication with IGNITE [ Primary Space ] Openness [ Secondary Space ] Decentralisation

[ Submitter's Name ] Gracielle Higino [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Universidade Federal de Goiás [ Submitter's GitHub ] @graciellehigino

[ Other Facilitator 1's Name ] Maria Letícia Bonatelli [ Other Facilitator 1's GitHub ] @mlbonatelli

What will happen in your session?

The lack of scientific thinking is slowly compromising our progress as a society. We have seen the return of previously eradicated diseases, the propagation of hate based on misinformation and the interruption of technological innovations due to lack of political support for science. We believe that Science Communication can help to reverse that, and IGNITE is a project to recruit scientists to this battle by providing immersive training to them. In this session, we will try to bring IGNITE even further: we will first present the lessons we’ve already built; then we will brainstorm on how to communicate science in unusual and accessible ways. How can we explore different senses to communicate science? What are the limits for science communication?

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

We will use different objects (such as pen and paper, building blocks, clay and musical instruments) to explore and test the understanding of scientific concepts for different audiences, such as people with disabilities. We will produce algorithms for practical activities to use on IGNITE workshops, which are open, that will train scientists to make their research even more accessible. Our main idea is to bring some challenges: can a podcast be consumed by a Deaf person? Can a video be fun to a blind person as well? How can we make sure our images are communicating efficiently to the colorblind audience? We can improve the lessons we already have or come up with completely unexpected new lessons.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

We will need as many different objects we can gather. We would love to have modeling clay, building blocks, all sorts of paper, post-its, pens, glue, even musical instruments. We will also need a projector, but it’s not fundamental.

Time needed

90 mins

graciellehigino commented 5 years ago

Hey, guys! The title of the session can stay the same. I've made a few changes to the description. Here's a new version:

How can we explore different senses to communicate science? What are the limits for science communication? In this session, we will try to push the boundaries of IGNITE (a project to train scientists in Science Communication): we will first present the lessons we’ve already built; then we will brainstorm on how to communicate science in unusual and accessible ways. We will use different objects (such as pen and paper, building blocks, clay and musical instruments) to explore and test the understanding of scientific concepts for different audiences, such as people with disabilities. 

graciellehigino commented 5 years ago

Session plan:

In this session we are going to discuss accessibility in Science Communication, try to come up with unique solutions, and think on how we can train scientists to use these solutions when communicating science.

Setting up the space: no order! For the first few minutes, people will be standing and walking around the room. For the rest of the session, they can use the space however they want to. Material needs: sticky notes, flip-chart paper, white board, projector (good, but not essencial), plasticine, bulding blocks, sound/musical instruments, pen, paper. Getting all (or most of it) from MozFest. Capture notes: pictures of everything, maybe recording the audio to transcript later. Contact details of participants: there will be a sheet on the front desk, and people can voluntarily put their names and contact info there.

Session agenda: 5min: Who am I, what is IGNITE and what we're going to do in the session. Summarize IGNITE Code of Conduct. 5min: In groups of 2 or 3 (if a lot of people shows up; if only few people come, we can do it all together), brainstorm kinds of accessibility issues with sticky notes on the wall. 5min: Discuss the brainstorm outcome and group themes (cluster sticky-notes on the wall or on white board and summarize main themes on flip-chart paper/white-board). 5min: What are the fundamentals of communication in science? (2min discussion; 3min flip-chart/board brainstorm). 20min: Exploring our senses to communicate science (in groups of 3, participants will explore different objects and try to communicate a scientific subject using it). Guide participants to take notes to help on the last activity. 10min: Wrapping up (each group presents what they did and everybody gives friendly feedback). 5min: How can we forward what we've just learned? (participants will give suggestions on sticky notes, draw an algorithm on paper or be oriented to file an issue on project repository). 5min: Questions, comments, networking, stickers distribution, cleaning room.

What if...? ... only a few people show up? No groups, everybody talks with everybody. ... a lot of people shows up? Small groups discussions and eventual whole group debriefing. ... there are no different materials to explore our senses? Use our imagination, use the building, go outside. ... people lose interest? Ask more questions, show how this issue is relevant. ... projector/computer doesn't work? Skip it! Not essencial.

KadeMorton commented 5 years ago

Hi @graciellehigino Please forgive us for the slow response. We have requested all the items you have listed and we should be hearing back soon about procuring them, so we will give you further updates on that. What I know we can provide: sticky notes, flip-chart paper, white board, projector, pens, paper. The other items are with the festival organisers, but I would try and make some contingency plans in case these cannot be obtained to ensure you can still run your session without them being provided. However, we will try our level best!

graciellehigino commented 5 years ago

Thank you, @KadeMorton ! I'm prepared to take some of the materials from home and explore other ways to do the session. Good thing with MozFest is that the sessions are extremely flexible, always a surprise, and that's awesome!

dasaderi commented 5 years ago

@graciellehigino I'm super excited about this session. The plan is stellar! 🌟