MozillaFestival / mozfest-program-2018

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2018
100 stars 21 forks source link

Leader of the Pack - Unleashing Your Dream Team #305

Closed mozfest-bot closed 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] 79fd69cd-9c54-48ba-9041-479bad6a023a

[ Session Name ] Leader of the Pack - Unleashing Your Dream Team [ Primary Space ] Digital Inclusion

[ Submitter's Name ] Lauren Jerome [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Redefining Women in Tech [ Submitter's GitHub ] @laurenjerome

[ Other Facilitator 1's Name ] Julie Anderson

What will happen in your session?

Participants will experience an interactive walk-through where the goal is to create a high-functioning team to work on stated projects. The fun twist is that all the applicants are represented by photos of dogs! This helps participants let their guard down in terms of a perceived right or wrong answer. Participants read through the lists of experience and professional strengths for each candidate and use a skills-finder model to grade them on a scale of 1-5. At the end, they choose their team, and then the big reveal... we expose that all the team members are real people with surprising qualities, fostering a sense of self awareness.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

Participants will have a chance to thoughtfully interact with the exhibit at their own pace and comfort level. They will anonymously submit their ratings (quantifiable data) and reactions (qualitative data) on paper which we will aggregate long-term in order to study trends. When the participants leave the session they are presented with facts about the team members they selected, a diverse set of candidates from the real world (with their permission). The outcome will include a surprise twist to leave them thinking about how they can take this information forward. Ultimately, participants will identify their own intrinsic bias and learn techniques for cutting through it.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

We will need about 100 pens and 20 clipboards as well as push pins or other wall hanging stickers.

Time needed

90 mins

laurenjerome commented 6 years ago

Hi, I just noticed a minor typo in our submission. "Skills-finder" should say "strength-finder". Thank you for organizing!

jontutcher commented 6 years ago

Hey @laurenjerome - thanks for the submission. Anything involving photos of dogs is always encouraged! This sounds like you've done something similar before - if so - any idea if you could fit it into 60 minutes if necessary?

laurenjerome commented 6 years ago

Thanks @jontutcher! I'm sure we could fit it into 60 minutes if necessary.

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to submit a session to MozFest.

Due to the high level of submissions, we’re unable to accept all proposals and unfortunately, your session was not part of the final group.

You'll receive a follow up email from us in the next few days.