[ Session Name ] In My Shoes! 'Walking the Walk' for Inclusive Open Communities
[ Primary Space ] Digital Inclusion
[ Secondary Space ] Openness
[ Submitter's Name ] Emma Irwin
[ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Mozilla and CHAOSS Diversity & Inclusion Working Group
[ Submitter's GitHub ] @emmairwin
[ Other Facilitator 1's Name ] Emma Irwin
[ Other Facilitator 1's GitHub ] @emmairwin
[ Other Facilitator 2's Name ] TBD. ( I will have someone co-facilitate, but not sure who yet)
[ Localisation Support Requested ] I would like to invite people to participate in their chosen language, if they can locate one other person to listen n that language. We can probably provide Spanish and French.
What will happen in your session?
I would like this to be a session that launches a fixed installation for the duration of the event.
Using a paper-template, this session will invite people to design a pair of shoes most like their favorite pair, as a contribution to the 'Inclusion Walk' and then to select a pair of shoes most unlike their own to interview, and share the story of that person's unique successes, challenges and vision for their participation in open communities.
For the remainder of Mozfest we'll invite people to do the same, and to select, and locate the owner of shoes for interview via #MozShoes
What is the goal or outcome of your session?
The goal of this session is to help people (and all festival participants via the installation) gain empathy and understanding for perspectives and life experiences different than their own -- as an inspiration and opportunity to design more inclusively in their own projects, events, and spaces.
Ultimately, we build a beautiful installation of shoes telling the story and sharing insights of diverse participants at Mozfest (in multiple languages) - with identified themes, and calls to action for those who care about building inclusive open communities.
If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.
Sticky notes, paper, glue, any craft materials you can provide ( I can also bring some)
Time needed
All weekend, as an installation, exhibit or drop-in session
[ UUID ] effa16ef-7689-4467-b21a-bbf0eb12bd2f
[ Session Name ] In My Shoes! 'Walking the Walk' for Inclusive Open Communities [ Primary Space ] Digital Inclusion [ Secondary Space ] Openness
[ Submitter's Name ] Emma Irwin [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Mozilla and CHAOSS Diversity & Inclusion Working Group [ Submitter's GitHub ] @emmairwin
[ Other Facilitator 1's Name ] Emma Irwin [ Other Facilitator 1's GitHub ] @emmairwin
[ Other Facilitator 2's Name ] TBD. ( I will have someone co-facilitate, but not sure who yet)
[ Localisation Support Requested ] I would like to invite people to participate in their chosen language, if they can locate one other person to listen n that language. We can probably provide Spanish and French.
What will happen in your session?
I would like this to be a session that launches a fixed installation for the duration of the event.
Using a paper-template, this session will invite people to design a pair of shoes most like their favorite pair, as a contribution to the 'Inclusion Walk' and then to select a pair of shoes most unlike their own to interview, and share the story of that person's unique successes, challenges and vision for their participation in open communities.
For the remainder of Mozfest we'll invite people to do the same, and to select, and locate the owner of shoes for interview via #MozShoes
What is the goal or outcome of your session?
The goal of this session is to help people (and all festival participants via the installation) gain empathy and understanding for perspectives and life experiences different than their own -- as an inspiration and opportunity to design more inclusively in their own projects, events, and spaces.
Ultimately, we build a beautiful installation of shoes telling the story and sharing insights of diverse participants at Mozfest (in multiple languages) - with identified themes, and calls to action for those who care about building inclusive open communities.
If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.
Sticky notes, paper, glue, any craft materials you can provide ( I can also bring some)
Time needed
All weekend, as an installation, exhibit or drop-in session