MozillaFestival / mozfest-program-2018

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2018
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Using Phaser, a fantastic web game-making tool, to learn JavaScript. #359

Open mozfest-bot opened 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] bef6cefc-3e45-4e21-85da-968abb5bdeae

[ Session Name ] Using Phaser, a fantastic web game-making tool, to learn JavaScript. [ Primary Space ] Youth Zone [ Secondary Space ] Digital Inclusion

[ Submitter's Name ] Mick Chesterman [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] EdLab Manchester Met University [ Submitter's GitHub ] @mickfuzz

[ Other Facilitator 1's Name ] Suzie Goodfellow

[ Other Facilitator 2's Name ] Dave Potts

[ Other Facilitator 3's Name ] Joe & Ted Potts

What will happen in your session?

We will work together to create a remix of a platform game built in JavaScript and share what we have created. We will explore the potential of these tools for learners and educators looking for a fun way to teach coding and game making.

The session has 4 sections

Intro, on our web game making project and setting up the platformer game workspace on laptops Follow your randomly allocated playful mission cards to remix game elements Share your progress and reactions with other participants, could you would you use these tools? Final mission, balance your game elements to create a challenging experience, and play each other’s game

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

Participants will get an overview of two key elements of web game making the logistics of coding and the importance of balancing game mechanics.

They will also see the benefits of the use of code playgrounds as an code learning environment that gives learners immediate feedback. This is applicable beyond the setting of game making, and thus this activity can be a gateway to more complex web development.

Ideally other educators present will see the value and potential here and use the tools in their own communities. This process is supported by this OL project.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

A project or a large screen would be ideal.

Time needed

60 mins

mickfuzz commented 6 years ago

Hi there, This is youth led. there's a lot of us. Me 2, parents and 2 young people but I'm sure we can work something out. I don't mind paying for a ticket if this helps. I did the OL programme last year but presented something a bit different then.

gbaman commented 6 years ago

Hey @mickfuzz, sounds an interesting session. In terms of logistics, does everything on this session run on a Raspberry Pi (we will hopefully have a lab or 2 of them) or does it require a full blown laptop? (so attendees would have to provide their own)

mickfuzz commented 6 years ago

Hi there, this should work fine on a pi for sure. Although sometimes it does run a bit slow on low power computers. But if this following page works ok then we should be golden.

mickfuzz commented 5 years ago

Just having a meeting and taking notes about our key messages (outside of the main activity)

davegoopot commented 5 years ago

Hi @Jcoopt

I think you are our wrangler for this talk. @mickfuzz is the primary person running this session. I've filled in a form as a secondary facilitator. Two of my sons, (aged 16 and 11) will be also facilitating in the session. What do I need to do about getting them registered and having tickets please?

Thanks, Dave.

mickfuzz commented 5 years ago

Thanks Dave! @gbaman @Jcoopt It is worth updating some of the info above too. It's Barney and Ted Potts who are the sons (not Joe as mentioned above) Also Suzie can't make it. So we are after tickets for...


Jcoopt commented 5 years ago

@mickfuzz @davegoopot Facilitator ticket registration will be handled in the next week or so. We'll email/slack you all about this (for obvious reasons), once the go ahead has been given. Thanks for keeping us updated!

davegoopot commented 5 years ago

Hi @Jcoopt and @gbaman ,

I've got my (Dave Potts) facilitor's ticket through today and I've completed registration. What happens about my sons Barney Potts and Ted Potts, who will also be facilitators on the session?

Thanks, D.