MozillaFestival / mozfest-program-2018

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2018
100 stars 21 forks source link

Making data ethics practical: #413

Open mozfest-bot opened 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] 25155cff-8ea7-450d-8051-224a067d9165

[ Session Name ] Making data ethics practical: [ Primary Space ] Digital Inclusion

[ Submitter's Name ] Peter Wells [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Open Data Institute [ Submitter's GitHub ] peterkwells

What will happen in your session?

Everyone talks about data ethics but few people are consciously making more ethical decisions about data. In this session the Open Data Institute will talk about the role data ethics plays in building an open future for data, and what they have learnt from working with governments and businesses to help them take practical steps towards more ethical decision making. The session will end with debate on the ODI's openly licenced Data Ethics Canvas, guide and workshop material and provide the opportunity for participants to input into the next iteration

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

To raise discuss Data Ethics with new audiences, give them live examples from a range of companies, show them the Ethics Canvas tool and gather thoughts and ideas on how we might develop the next iteration

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.


Time needed

60 mins

jontutcher commented 6 years ago

I'll email :)

peterkwells commented 5 years ago

@jontutcher hello, I submitted this and I am on GitHub :)