MozillaFestival / mozfest-program-2018

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2018
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Technology, Consciousness, and Agency: Deconstructing Digital Design #432

Open mozfest-bot opened 5 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 5 years ago

[ UUID ] ac7eb00c-48ab-4039-ad12-6b210975a7a3

[ Session Name ] Technology, Consciousness, and Agency: Deconstructing Digital Design [ Primary Space ] Web Literacy [ Secondary Space ] Youth Zone

[ Submitter's Name ] Julie Sykes [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] University of Oregon [ Submitter's GitHub ] @CASLS

[ Other Facilitator 1's Name ] Lisa Freinkel Tishman

[ Other Facilitator 2's Name ] Christopher Daradics

[ Other Facilitator 3's Name ] Mandy Gettler

What will happen in your session?

This interactive session focuses on how to foster conscious engagement in online spaces (digital mindfulness) as a fundamental component of current conversations in design ethics.The session explores how UX design shapes our use of digital tools and our thoughts, emotions, and reality—for better and for worse.

In a guided interactive format, participants will explore how digital design shapes user behavior in both on- and offline spaces. Following this discussion, facilitators will provide participants with an exclusive look at a mobile app prototype that helps users engage more mindfully with technology. Participants will play with the prototype in small groups, and facilitators will lead a design challenge for expanding the app with an eye toward viable scalability and feature enhancements.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

This session explores how UX shapes consciousness and thought, and how it enhances and hinders users’ self-determination. In addition, participants will discover how a shift toward a more mindful use of digital devices can further enrich our lives. Through the session’s guided discovery, participants will develop a greater understanding of and appreciation for the ways in which digital technology and digital design shape not only our online interactions, but our offline lives as well. Participants will engage in a design challenge to conceptualize additional prototype features and approaches for enhancing user autonomy, agency, and self-determination.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

The facilitators would like to request a projector. They will bring additional devices for participants to interact with the prototype.

Time needed

90 mins

daradics commented 5 years ago

@ryanwarsaw, thanks for the engagement. I'm wondering if/how we should take action to provide further clarification. Is there something specific we need to address to round out our proposal?

ryanwarsaw commented 5 years ago

@daradics Hi! Great question, as the team goes through the month of August we'll review your proposal and if further clarification is needed we'll reach out to you, until then you don't need to take any further action. This sometimes takes a bit, we have a lot of sessions to review!

Let me know if you have any other questions :)