MozillaFestival / mozfest-program-2018

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2018
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☑ I blindly accept… (T&Cs) #491

Open mozfest-bot opened 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] 73b34fd7-2697-437f-bd96-884aae68408a

[ Session Name ] ☑ I blindly accept… (T&Cs) [ Primary Space ] Privacy and Security [ Secondary Space ] Web Literacy

[ Submitter's Name ] Shreevari SP [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Resident of India [ Submitter's GitHub ] @shreevari

[ Other Facilitator 1's Name ] Madhurish Katta [ Other Facilitator 1's GitHub ] madhurish

What will happen in your session?

-We illustrate how companies can exploit user privacy by making them accept Terms & Conditions(T&Cs) using lightbeam(firefox add-on). -Visitors share their experience of such instances(if any) and log it in a book for others to refer. -Audience are engaged with an activity where they’re given clauses from a curated list of clauses from real T&Cs and they express whether it should have been mentioned outright or not. -We have a discussion about digital privacy and ways to curb exploitation. -Visitors try out our browser plug-in that filters out most important clauses from any T&C. -They can also contribute to the project on github.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

-Create awareness about the risk of being exploited by blindly accepting Terms and Conditions(T&Cs). -Participants contribute via GitHub and enhance the data-set(for training) used by the browser plug-in built. -Create and spread awareness to bring about a change in something end-users have been taking for granted since the inception of technology. -Inspire developers to come up with more solutions like context classifiers. -We hope that people use our plug-in to make an informed choice instead of blindly accepting T&Cs

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

A whiteboard with markers Post-it notes Projector and screen or a television display

Time needed

All weekend, as an installation, exhibit or drop-in session

bunnybooboo commented 6 years ago

A quick message to let you know we will be ACCEPTING this proposal into our 2018 schedule. Escalated already via Madhurish. More emails to follow. See you in LONDON!!

shreevari commented 6 years ago

Wow! That's awesome! Thanks!

shreevari commented 5 years ago

We enjoyed presenting the session and hope that the participants enjoyed it equally. Here is a link to our slide deck and here is a link to our GitHub project in case anyone is interested in the session.

Thank you @bunnybooboo and the PrivSec team for all the support.