MozillaFestival / mozfest-program-2018

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2018
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Build your own air quality sensor! #503

Open mozfest-bot opened 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] 1710498c-81f2-49b7-921a-58aa91861235

[ Session Name ] Build your own air quality sensor! [ Primary Space ] Decentralisation [ Secondary Space ] Openness

[ Submitter's Name ] Wiebke Herding [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] hackAIR / ON:SUBJECT [ Submitter's GitHub ] @wiebkehere

What will happen in your session?

Air pollution concerns all: it is the environmental issue that Europeans worry about the most, and has serious health implications. Air pollution is an invisible killer: official monitoring stations are few and far between – and their data not easily accessible for citizens. In the past two years, we have developed an open hardware design for air quality sensors that uses affordable electronic components. The hackAIR sensor design allows us to build a much denser monitoring network: by citizens, for citizens. In this hands-on session, we will help you build your own air quality sensor – and discuss how we can use participatory sensing to open up environmental information and take action to improve our neighbourhoods.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

Very simple: You’ll learn how to build and programme your own air quality sensor and set it up in your home. You can use the sensor you build to learn about air quality in your neighbourhood – and contribute to a better map of the air that we breathe. Together with your neighbours, you can identify air pollution hotspots and campaign for improvements.

Time needed

90 mins

KadeMorton commented 6 years ago

@wiebkehere thanks for the submission! If you want (but you don't have to), feel free you see if you want to work our zone theme into your session

MobileMaggie commented 6 years ago

An excellent session - I hope that we're not parallel over in

wiebkehere commented 6 years ago

This session can also be run in 60 minutes, if that makes scheduling easier.

NdiTendai commented 5 years ago

Hi Wiebke, I sent you an email to your onsubject address regarding your session Build your own air quality sensor! Could you please get in touch if you would still like to facilitate this session in the Decentralisation space? Thanks

wiebkehere commented 5 years ago

Hi Wiebke, I sent you an email to your onsubject address regarding your session Build your own air quality sensor! Could you please get in touch if you would still like to facilitate this session in the Decentralisation space? Thanks

Hi Ndi! I don't think I saw your message. When was it sent? What was the sender address? Could you send again?