MozillaFestival / mozfest-program-2018

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2018
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Build your own Citizen Observatory - A 'CookBook' for Air Q, Water Q, Land Use & Biodiversity monitoring #536

Open mozfest-bot opened 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] 5b172dd5-c083-4b34-ad01-f7ee1eac3c44

[ Session Name ] Build your own Citizen Observatory - A 'CookBook' for Air Q, Water Q, Land Use & Biodiversity monitoring [ Primary Space ] Openness [ Secondary Space ] Decentralisation

[ Submitter's Name ] Margaret Gold [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) [ Submitter's GitHub ] MobileMaggie

[ Other Facilitator 1's Name ] Saskia Coulson

[ Other Facilitator 2's Name ] Peer(s) from the Citizen Observatory projects I'm partnered with - still to be determined

What will happen in your session?

Citizen Observatories are community-based environmental monitoring initiatives, that lead to science or policy outcomes for Air Quality, Water Quality, Sound Pollution, Smell Pollution, Land Use, Biodiversity, and more. They are mostly top-down and invite participants locally - but many communities are starting their own investigations from scratch. In this session we will create a 'Cookbook' for DIY Citizen Observatories and prototype or wireframe a website to share that information online. The goal is for anyone interested in such an investigation to find the info they need, and dip into the stage of the DIY CO project lifecycle they are at.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

There are a huge range of tools and platforms that can be used for environmental monitoring, and an equally large number of places where data can be found or shared - but it is all very scattered, and a huge research effort if you are concerned about an environmental measure in your own community. Our goal is to co-create a 'Cookbook' for building your own Citizen Observatory, sign-posting all of the possible tools and resources, communities and guidelines, and places to aggregate and share the data. With enough people, we will either wireframe or prototype a website to share this info in a logical & useful fashion. If non-tech we'll focus on user journey of how to DIY a CO.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

Projector to show examples (and display prototype if applicable), and office supplies for brown-paper work will be grand.

Time needed

90 mins

wiebkehere commented 5 years ago

Great to see this session, @mobilemaggie! We're also around from hackAIR for - let's see how we can work together!

MobileMaggie commented 5 years ago

Wonderful - it would be great to work on this one together!!

MobileMaggie commented 5 years ago

We've gotten an Etherpad going over here, for anyone who would like to start sharing notes with us:

That will also be our note-taking pad during the session itself

MobileMaggie commented 5 years ago

This Workshop will take place in the Openness Space on the 7th Floor - Studio 702b - on Sunday 28th November at 11:00 . Don't forget that the clocks go back the night before - an extra hour of sleep, yay! :)

You can add this session to your Guidebook Schedule here:

MobileMaggie commented 5 years ago

The WeObserve ( team who are running this workshop are also creating an online course that will launch in 2019 to help people understand, participate in and create their own citizen observatories.

To make sure we create a helpful and usable course, we need to hear from you!

Please follow the link to the survey below: