Open mozfest-bot opened 6 years ago
We're thrilled to share your acceptence in Mozfest 2018. Watch out for emails from out team soon. They'll explain what happens next. Have a great weekend!
Title and description looks good.
[ UUID ] 3fcd1b0c-0f94-4a4f-a0ef-01ce34efad05
[ Session Name ] Online privacy mission statement for libraries [ Primary Space ] Privacy and Security [ Secondary Space ] Digital Inclusion
[ Submitter's Name ] Bonnie Tijerina [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Data & Society
What will happen in your session?
Recently, library practitioners, privacy advocates, and technologists gathered to discuss a roadmap for a digital privacy strategy for libraries, from the tools libraries build and license to the programming they provide. This session will continue those conversations with the open web community.
Participants will create a mission statement for the role of libraries in securing online privacy and safety through:
Discussions about how libraries are seen and how that can translate to their privacy and security needs online.
Group work on the needs of communities around us and how we can empower them with tools and skills they need to navigate the internet safely.
Surfacing emerging privacy concerns for libraries to consider as they create their privacy-focused practices and programming.
What is the goal or outcome of your session?
We’re very interested in gathering perspectives outside of those who have participated in our Institute for Museum and Library Services-funded Library Values & Privacy gatherings. So, through conversations, small group work, and reporting to the whole group, we are hoping for the following goals:
Participants will be a part of creating a new vision for libraries in support of online privacy.
Participants will bring their perspectives to a conversation about the unique role libraries can play in supporting communities as they safely navigate the internet.
Some participants would be inspired to become partners or advocates in supporting the work of the library community.
If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.
Time needed
60 mins