MozillaFestival / mozfest-program-2018

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2018
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OpenStories Recording Booth #601

Open mozfest-bot opened 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] 7a31e293-4ebc-490c-8498-ca367c78d085

[ Session Name ] OpenStories Recording Booth [ Primary Space ] Openness [ Secondary Space ] Digital Inclusion

[ Submitter's Name ] Chealsye Bowley [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Open Stories / Ubiquity Press [ Submitter's GitHub ] @chealsye

What will happen in your session?

The Open Stories Recording Booth will conduct short interviews with open practitioners and record their stories about how open has impacted their career. We aim to collect stories at MozFest from various disciplines, world regions, and in whatever language the interviewee is most comfortable sharing in. These recorded stories will be openly shared with the consent of the interviewee to illustrate that a successful Open career is possible. Many researchers see sharing their research openly as a risk, are concerned they won’t get academic promotions, or their research will be scooped if they share it publicly. By collecting diverse success stories and engaging researchers who are skeptical about openness with stories of practitioners they identity with, we can create change.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

The primary goals of the session are to the collect stories of all interested attendees at MozFest and gain partners for additional recording events. Open Stories seeks to solve the problem of researchers viewing open as a risk by gathering success stories of Open advocates and practitioners to show that a successful Open career is possible. We believe we can best achieve this advocacy goal by connecting skeptical researchers with stories from others in their discipline, region, career level, institution type, and language. MozFest is an excellent event to launch a larger recording initiative due to the diversity of attendees and their commitment to open.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

It is not absolutely required, but being placed near an electric outlet would be extremely helpful to ensure recording equipment remains adequately charged and the record studio remains open as much as possible during MozFest.

Time needed

All weekend, as an installation, exhibit or drop-in session

stephwright commented 6 years ago

Do the stories have to be about how openness has impacted careers? I'm thinking about how openness has helped folks hack their own devices, or helped them solve a local problem, etc.