Closed mozfest-bot closed 6 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to submit a session to MozFest.
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[ UUID ] 7ca9b283-98fe-42a3-8cc8-0fac97062f80
[ Session Name ] 'Fake news', one of the new forms of mexican machismo - 'Fake news', una de las nuevas formas de machismo [ Primary Space ] Privacy and Security [ Secondary Space ] Digital Inclusion
[ Submitter's Name ] Liza Durón [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] Laboratorio social de la Mujer / Srita. Confeti [ Submitter's GitHub ] @elidron
[ Other Facilitator 1's Name ] alejandro gomez [ Other Facilitator 1's GitHub ] @alexfuser
[ Language ] Spanish
[ Localisation Support Requested ] No, I can host the session myself
What will happen in your session?
Laboratorio Social de la mujer met with various organizations in charge of female cybersecurity in order to collect experiences, testimonies and create content "survival kit" alike for different situations of violence with respect to fake news. We have the "Mexican survival kit for safe sexting", "Chicas having fun organizing safe spaces to express their feelings" and many more survival kits we would love to share with the audience.
What is the goal or outcome of your session?
That attendees learn about help tools with technology, security and feminisms against violence against women supported by fake news. In Mexico, the disappearance of women through the internet has been normalized as a tool of deception towards real life alleging that it has been their fault and not because of the lack of privacy and security tools. We want more people to tell their story and enrich our survival kits and also they can build their own!
If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.
A tv or projector. Tables to make crafts.
Time needed
90 mins