MozillaFestival / mozfest-program-2018

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2018
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How can we make science and technology queer-inclusive by design? #88

Open mozfest-bot opened 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] 5d62d255-90db-4f3d-975d-e71f46bf6fb0

[ Session Name ] How can we make science and technology queer-inclusive by design? [ Primary Space ] Queering MozFest [ Secondary Space ] Openness

[ Submitter's Name ] Athina Tzovara [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] UC Berkeley [ Submitter's GitHub ] @aath0

[ Other Facilitator 1's Name ] Patricia Herterich [ Other Facilitator 1's GitHub ] @pherterich

[ Other Facilitator 2's Name ] Bastian Greshake Tzovaras [ Other Facilitator 2's GitHub ] @gedankenstuecke

[ Language ] French German Greek

[ Localisation Support Requested ] No, I can host the session myself

What will happen in your session?

Many of the products or services that we are daily using are primarily designed for a heteronormative audience. Clothing options, dating applications, or research studies are few of the many examples where science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) are dominated by heteronormative assumptions and implicit biases. In this session, we will discuss how STEM can better integrate individuals who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex (LGBTQI) in all stages of designing and developing new services / studies. We will discuss case studies and participants’ experiences with STEM output. Finally, we will assemble ideas for an open letter proposing ways to make science and technology more LGBTQI-inclusive by design.

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

Our primary goal is to assemble an open letter targeted towards anyone working in STEM, and giving guidelines on how to make their work more LGBTQI-inclusive by design. To this aim, we will discuss how inclusive existing STEM applications and services are towards an LGBTQI audience, in order to evaluate what can be learned from past mistakes and highlight good STEM practices. Moreover, we will invite participants to contribute with their own experiences with existing studies or services, and share how these could affect LGBTQI individuals differently from cis/heterosexual ones.

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

As this is an interactive discussion session we will just need pens, post-its and a flip chart. If a projector is available we will project some case studies to facilitate the discussion, but we do not need the projector for the session to be a success.

Time needed

60 mins

jontutcher commented 6 years ago

This'd also be a great candidate as a session in the Digital Inclusion space, and might be nice to tie it in with some of our sessions regardless! :)

aath0 commented 6 years ago

Sure, as you see fit! 👍

arroway commented 6 years ago

@jontutcher Yes! I was thinking the same and was planning to ping you after the CFP ends, but you were first :)