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Project tracking repo for Mozilla Open Leader 6
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Beware of your Privacy! #72

Open diwanshi opened 5 years ago

diwanshi commented 5 years ago

Project Lead: @diwanshi

Mentor: @wathagindungu

Welcome to OL6, Cohort A! This issue will be used to track your project and progress during the program. Please use this checklist over the next few weeks as you start Open Leadership Training :tada:.

Before Week 1 (Sept 11): Your first mentorship call

Before Week 2 (Sept 18): First Cohort Call (Open by Design)

Before Week 3 (Sept 25): Mentorship call

Before Week 4 (Oct 2): Cohort Call (Build for Understanding)

This issue is here to help you keep track of work during the first month of the program. Please refer to the OL6 Syllabus for more detailed weekly notes and assignments past week 4.

diwanshi commented 5 years ago

Draft 1: Our online lives have become our real life to a larger extent and no matter how much we want, we can’t escape it leaving our personal data vulnerable to people who can use it for their benefit or even against us. Every other day we hear about major privacy breaches or related scam but not much we do about it. It's not that people aren’t concerned about their privacy but either unaware of the risks or multiple options they can use to minimize the vulnerability and grow with the current technologies at the same time. For a long time now, we have been discussing, teaching, advocating, creating resources, writing articles about privacy for people. The major problem is that this valuable information is scattered all over the web and not every person wouldn’t prefer to invest their time in researching all these resources.

I am working with the Mozilla community to build a tool which has all the privacy-related resources so that anybody can easily browse through based on their scenarios, get the relevant information from multiple sources in a single place.

Draft 2: I am working with Mozilla Community to build a privacy-related tool so that anybody can access privacy-related resources in a single place instead of browsing through multiple platforms to understand how important Privacy is for each individual.

diwanshi commented 5 years ago

I know Draft 1st is a bit long but I wanted to communicate my "Why" through it. Any feedback is appreciated

amchagas commented 5 years ago

Hi @diwanshi,

Cool project! I like the idea of having a long and short versions :+1: also, you probably already know this, but there are some Mozilla Fellows working on issues that are related to your project, maybe it is a good idea to reach out to them and start a conversation?

alexhemming commented 5 years ago

Your project sounds amazing! I'm a computer science teacher and a large chunk of our course is focused on data privacy and safety online. I'm constantly getting lost in the reams of content available on the web about this. It would be an incredible resource if the most valuable, active and useful resources and info were collated and organised. Teachers & parents everywhere will be thanking you! Like your distilled vision statement draft2, it is easy to understand and clearly states your aim. If you need any help on your project from an education/computer science teacher pov please let me know :)

diwanshi commented 5 years ago

Hey @amchagas ,

Thanks for the feedback. Yes, definitely I'd be glad to talk to them. I am also looking for resources as much as I can and fellows can help me there I guess.

diwanshi commented 5 years ago

@alexhemming ,

Yes, that's exactly the pain area I am trying to hit and solve. Once I start the development, I'd like to have your feedback as a Teacher, as well as It, 'd be great If I can get some feedback from student's perspective (maybe you can help there if possible).

Thanks for your feedback on Vision statement. I'll try to polish it more.

npatil99 commented 5 years ago

This is pretty fresh idea Diwanshi. We all care for privacy but unfortunately very few of us are serious about being cautious about it.

Looking from an end user perspective who has limited or no technology background. You may need to define a privacy-related resources a bit more..

rajasekharponakala commented 5 years ago

Your idea is nice. I've seen your Draft1,2, looks nice. It is glad that you want to help the community to know and more reach of privacy!, as this is a right need of the hour. Looking forward to help!.

tejasri19 commented 5 years ago

Your idea is great. Do you have a vision statement to learn more?

diwanshi commented 5 years ago

Open Canvas

Any suggestions or feedback is appreciated.


diwanshi commented 5 years ago


Beware of your privacy!!!

Our online lives have become our real life to a larger extent and no matter how much we want, we can’t escape it leaving our personal data vulnerable to people who can use it for their benefit or even against us. Every other day we hear about major privacy breaches or related scam but not much we do about it. It's not that people aren’t concerned about their privacy but either unaware about the risks or multiple options they can use to minimise the vulnerability and grow with the current technologies at the same time.

Since a long time now, we have been discussing, teaching, advocating, creating resources, writing articles about privacy for people. The major problem is that this valuable information is scattered all over the web and not every person wouldn’t prefer to invest their time in researching all these resources.

What if we provide them with a tool which has all the privacy related resources which user can easily browse through and get the relevant information from multiple sources in a single place.

The Idea:

Is to develop a tool with an user friendly interface that has privacy scenarios that can be selected by the user and gets them the risks and open source tools/extensions they can use in that scenario. These scenarios and associated risks and solutions can be submitted by anyone on github as issues/PRs and reviewed by the privacy enthusiasts and experts in the community.

This tool can be used as a resource pool for Privacy Month as well. I have myself contributed to Privacy months before and the pain points I have faced and observed while organizing it were:

I think that this tool can help address the above points by giving people a transparent platform where people from any open source community can contribute to it in many ways like designing graphics, providing scenarios and tips, review and make use of it efficiently.

Below are the few examples: Scenario 1 : Email Communication


Solutions (Wanna do something about it?):

Scenario 2: Search Engines



There are so many more scenarios. The idea is to present this information in an interactive and user friendly way.

diwanshi commented 5 years ago

Link to Draft ReadMe.

Any Suggestions and Feedback is appreciated. Thanks

diwanshi commented 5 years ago

Draft Roadmap

Project Mission and Summary

I am working with Mozilla Community to build an application to provide netizens with consolidated, scenario based privacy related resources with risks and the probable solutions that they can opt for, at a single place.

Our online lives have become our real life to a larger extent and no matter how much we want, we can’t escape it leaving our personal data vulnerable to people who can use it for their benefit or even against us. Every other day we hear about major privacy breaches or related scam but not much we do about it. It's not that people aren’t concerned about their privacy but either unaware about the risks or multiple options they can use to minimise the vulnerability and grow with the current technologies at the same time.

Since a long time now, we have been discussing, teaching, advocating, creating resources, writing articles about privacy for people. The major problem is that this valuable information is scattered all over the web and not every person wouldn’t prefer to invest their time in researching all these resources.

What if we provide them with a tool which has all the privacy related resources which user can easily browse through and get the relevant information from multiple sources in a single place.





chadsansing commented 5 years ago

Here is an educator-facing privacy & security toolkit we assembled last year; the second page, in particular, has resources that might be useful to include in your project.

chadsansing commented 5 years ago

Re: language, I would focus on a very specific module, like, "Why should you care about privacy/2fa on mobile apps?", then collect stories and examples to illustrate problems, then suggest 1 resource per problem as a solution, then provide some further reading. Keep things very direct, clear, and connected.

Test out 2 or 3 versions of the same content with different copy/language, and then revise to use the language that works best for the audience you want to reach.

Work on developing that process for 1 module and then apply that same process to the development of later modules if you are the only one doing the work right now.

chadsansing commented 5 years ago

This also reminds me of an activity you could remix from Thimble/our curriculum, called Hacker Cards.

chadsansing commented 5 years ago

See also: and

diwanshi commented 5 years ago

@chadsansing Thanks a lot for these resources. They are great and surely help me a ton.