MozillaFestival / test-mozfest-program-2018

testing repo for MozFest 2018 proposals
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session nameeeeeeee #1

Open mozfest-bot opened 6 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 6 years ago

[ UUID ] 2af337a4-6693-4537-af7a-d32a8ef621f2

[ Session Name ] session nameeeeeeee [ Primary Space ] Queering MozFest [ Secondary Space ] Privacy and Security

[ Submitter's Name ] myfirstnameee mysurnameee [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] organisationnn [ Submitter's GitHub ] @githubhandlehahahah

[ Other Facilitator 1's Name ] firstname1 surname1 [ Other Facilitator 1's GitHub ] @otherfacilitator1_githubhandle

[ Other Facilitator 2's Name ] firstname2 surname2 [ Other Facilitator 2's GitHub ] @otherfacilitator2_githubhandle

[ Other Facilitator 3's Name ] firstname3 surname3 [ Other Facilitator 3's GitHub ] @otherfacilitator3_githubhandle

[ Language ] Russian [ Localisation Support Requested ] Yes, to help translate the session on the day in English

What will happen in your session?

descriptionnnn line2 line3

What is the goal or outcome of your session?

outcomeeee line2 line3

If your session requires additional materials or electronic equipment, please outline your needs.

needsss line2 line3 line4

Time needed

60 mins