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Repo for MozFest Website
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Change CTA on MozFest homepage #75

Closed edrushka closed 7 years ago

edrushka commented 7 years ago

The current CTA on the MozFest site reads:

Submit a Session for MozFest 2016

We invite people from all fields: policy, science, journalism, technology, arts and more. MozFest is for everyone, regardless of your gender, geography, age or language.

Submit a Session

Please change to:

Buy a Ticket for MozFest 2016

Join leaders of the open Web -- artists, activists, educators, scientists, journalists, policy-makers and technologists -- who are building a better internet.

Buy a Ticket (button text)

Call for proposals ends EOD August 1, so if this could go live on the 2nd, that would be ideal. cc @mmmavis @Saallen

alanmoo commented 7 years ago

Deployed to production, will propagate as CDN updates.