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Conversation about currencies and payment networks in a global context #692

Open roseregina opened 7 years ago

roseregina commented 7 years ago

I think it would be good to have an intentional conversation about how we want to approach currencies and maybe also payment options (like IBAN, BPay, Rupay, Maestro, QIWI, e-carte bleue) in the context of Mozilla as an international community and how to meaningfully respect that to the best of our abilities given the limitations of our being a US-based NPO.

At a bare minimum I think it would be good to add to the FAQ for next year an item that is basically "Why don't use accept these other payment systems" with a response along the lines of "We care about all of our donors. There are lots of systems out there and it is difficult to set up a bajillion different options. We are taking concrete steps on the following payment systems and are investigating these others. Unfortunately, there are legal and financial considerations and limitations. But, we really do care bunches about you." but written better.

Start date: December 26, 2016 Due date: October 1, 2017

CC: @stephaniemcv @ScottDowne @cadecairos @TheoChevalier @HPaulJohnson please tag whoever else is appropriate for this

roseregina commented 7 years ago

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roseregina commented 7 years ago


Hi Mozilla's donation section.I'm a Mozillian. I'm member of persian localization(l10n) team and leader of persian l10n team at [pii redacted].I wanted to ask for add more payment methods in donate section.As you know, one of most important thing for mozilla and it's projects, is having more and more income resources(money). The popular payment methods around the world are different. Although Credit cards(Like: Master Card, Visa,..) and PayPal are accessible in many countried, but many other countries haven't easy access to this payment systems. If these people can donate to mozilla, the foundation will be more stable and more powerful to support open source projects. For example, in russia and most of CIS countries and many other countries, WebMoney and Yandex Money are more popular than PayPal. In addition, because restrictions of PayPal, many persons that like to donate to mozilla, can't use it.I wanted to ask for adding these payment methods to your donate page: 1-WebMoney: : Multicurrency, popular in russia, cis countries, east of europe 2-Yandex Money: Only for ruble 3-Wallet One: Multicurrency. Have office in USA also 4-Perfect Money: 5-Ok Pay: 6-Ali Pay: Popular in china, part of Alibaba group 7-CashU: Popular in middle east and gulf countries 8-Union Pay credit cards (Popular in china and many other countries) 9-Skrill: Popular in europe and uk 10-One Card: Multicurrency Popular in Saudi Arabia Thanks Very much