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Design: Privacy tips landing page #799

Closed lovegushwa closed 7 years ago

lovegushwa commented 7 years ago

Design a landing page for privacy tips to be built next week. Below is a wireframe to kick off the process. A few notes:


CC: @beccaklam @caltrider @hannahkane


lovegushwa commented 7 years ago

@beccaklam I started a project folder, please edit my hacked sketch file and take a stab at UI so we can keep this rolling.

beccaklam commented 7 years ago

@lovegushwa <-- exported PNGs <-- sketch file

beccaklam commented 7 years ago

Here is where we got this week with wireframes. <-- redpen for comments

Wireframes: safety tips sketch 2 copy 8 safety tips sketch 2 copy 7 safety tips sketch 2 copy 3 ipad pro portrait copy 3 ipad pro portrait copy 2 ipad pro portrait iphone se iphone se copy 2 safety tips sketch 2 copy 4 ipad pro portrait copy iphone se copy


beccaklam commented 7 years ago

@hannahkane @lovegushwa @natalieworth @HPaulJohnson I added some first draft UI for the Safety Tips site to this redpen: I also added some new ideas for the subscription button where users can sign up their e-mail. I did some more research on editorial sites and the convention is to have the subscribe button top right. Will work on fleshing out the UI further Monday (May 8) morning! Also going to drop in the screens here: landing-page inner-page subscription 2 option subscription 2 option hover suscription 1 option suscription 1 option hover suscription 3 option suscription 3 option hover

beccaklam commented 7 years ago

@hannahkane @lovegushwa @HPaulJohnson @natalieworth Safety Tips UI Design update:

hannahkane commented 7 years ago

I put a couple small comments on the redpen, but just wanted to say here that I'm digging this!

HPaulJohnson commented 7 years ago

I agree with Hannah - really love how these are developing. I think the removal of the numbers on the vids helps and I think the "subscribe" in the upper right hand corner is the best place for that CTA.

beccaklam commented 7 years ago

Added some more modal design options along with some fixes to the comments @hannahkane left above and some alternate UI style options: CC: @hannahkane @lovegushwa @HPaulJohnson @natalieworth

hannahkane commented 7 years ago

These are all nice options! Will leave to others to decide.

natalieworth commented 7 years ago

@beccaklam @lovegushwa uploaded the UI based on some direction changes yesterday and with a new font (just one version so far—still gotta refine any others) Font is place holder for now, but the closest I had on my computer to the similar style was Plak @lovegushwa does this UI feel right for what you were thinking? trying to make it feel mozilla-y too :D

beccaklam commented 7 years ago

@hannahkane @lovegushwa @HPaulJohnson @natalieworth Added some alternative inner page options after looking at youtube and vimeo pages more closely. These have the gallery of 'more videos' stacked on the right hand side and are more conducive to successive watching I think. <-- redpen for comments safety tips sketch 2 copy 5 safety tips sketch 2 copy 7

hannahkane commented 7 years ago

Latest is here:

hannahkane commented 7 years ago

Closing this ticket, as I believe design is done. Can file follow-up tickets for tweaks as needed.