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Tame that wily Fox – or not? #171

Closed xmatthewx closed 7 years ago

xmatthewx commented 8 years ago

We have a SRSLY dapper and wily fox on our hands. Remixed for a few different Mozilla purposes, everyone wants a slice of our illustrated fox. New instances of use by staff and community continue to appear. (Kudos to you designers!)

To tame this fox, we need to:

@lovegushwa – want to take a stab at a first draft or outline?

UPDATE: More foxes appear. Maybe we should run with this. See below.

xmatthewx commented 8 years ago

Another fox emerged. This one from the wild. "It was done by a high school senior who was inspired by the research fox!!"

Instead of resisting this, maybe we should encourage it.

@flukeout – Maybe we need an online fox maker tool. To keep things fairly well aligned, stay aware of when they're made, and be able to promote successful instances.

@lovegushwa @kristinashu @sabrinang @natalieworth @flukeout @vazquez

natalieworth commented 8 years ago

Ah so cool!

xmatthewx commented 8 years ago

The tool could include a bunch of items of clothing and props for people to mix and match. Paper doll style. Maybe visitors could request new items or submit proposed item designs.

sabrinang commented 8 years ago

I think that we can unleash the fox (and tame it a bit) by documenting it in a way that octocat has approached it ( by providing some context, curation and disclaimers if adaptations of the fox keep appearing in the wild. I think we can turn its popularity to promote our presence in a deliberate and positive way. The community chooses what they love so and I think the fox isn't going away anytime soon!

xmatthewx commented 8 years ago

That's a great reference @sabrinang. The stream and the FAQ.

natalieworth commented 8 years ago

Paper doll style would be great if people want to contribute new items. Kind of similar to!/en

auremoser commented 8 years ago

+1 to paperdoll-style-your-self for viral twitter versioning.

xmatthewx commented 8 years ago

@ldecoursy shared a dozen or so people's thoughts on what an education or learning fox might look like. Reposted here: