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Design items for the MoFo All Hands #276

Closed sabrinang closed 6 years ago

sabrinang commented 6 years ago


The request is design help for event materials:

Driver: Erik Westra cc: @xmatthewx

sabrinang commented 6 years ago

Chatted with Erik and we would need:

Some other event materials include:

Erik will update us with dimensions and deadlines

westraco commented 6 years ago

Email header size: MoCo uses a 1600x214 png, I think it'd be fine to follow that sizing. Email header deadline: May 18

Default Screen image for main TVs: These are widescreen 16:9 HD format, so I'd say 2560×1440px would be a safe size for this. Screen image deadline: June 1

Slide template: 16x9, based off existing MoFo templates Slide template deadline: Kevin is hoping to have this by May 28th

Sticker (and possibly small notebook, still waiting on confirmation for that): Will order from Stickermule, but size/shape is up to you! Sticker deadline: there's a one week turnaround on stickers from StickerMule, so I'd say May 30 to be safe.

Let me know if you need more, or if these don't work for any reason.

sabrinang commented 6 years ago

@westraco Sorry for the late response on getting to these assets.

Here are some various colour iterations for the email header and screen background designs:

Let me know what palette that is preferred and it can inform the items below.

Slide template (replaced some backgrounds on mozilla template):

We can use google slides to make hackable letter-sized signs to print in the office if needed as well (various designs):

I'll be iterating on stickers after this.

westraco commented 6 years ago

Hi! Official word: the light blue iteration is the one. Can we update to be Foundation specific?

I'll send to Kevin and others once they're final.

Excited to see stickers!

sabrinang commented 6 years ago

@westraco I've exported the email headers, tv screen background, slide deck template and sign template here: Can you review these assets and that the foundation specific wordmark is ok?

/cc @KevZawacki

westraco commented 6 years ago

So, the team here (so, Lainie and I) both think these look great! I guess the foundation specific wordmark decision is one we can't specifically make, though. It seems confusing to have two different 2018 All Hands designs for different cities without the differentiation, which is how this came up.

Angela has basically told us she trusts our judgement on All Hands decisions (aka don't ask unless it's really important... haha), but the wordmark thing is maybe different. Does @xmatthewx have an opinion? I can ask Angela if I need to, but would rather avoid unless it's necessary.

xmatthewx commented 6 years ago

I looked at a few of the assets. I see the word foundation, but not a Mozilla Foundation logo.

We should not create a Foundation logo just for all hands. Someone at the top of the food chain decided that the foundation site should just use the regular mozilla logo. There might be two all hands, but we are one mozilla fo'eva!

xmatthewx commented 6 years ago

(the designs look awesome btw! nicely done)

edit: i think we're good with how it currently presents things. let me know if there are any concerns.

westraco commented 6 years ago

Ok cool... so I just clarified with Matthew that this means these are GREAT AND YAY. Excited to see the sticker.

Re: Swag, just an fyi, I just hopped on the MoCo order for the waterbottles they are doing as swag in SF, so if you wonder where those came from, that's how/why/where.

westraco commented 6 years ago

Can I share these assets directly from the google link you gave me, Sabrina?

sabrinang commented 6 years ago

Thank you both for the feedback! @westraco Yes, you can share that gdrive folder directly since it sounds like they are good to go 👍 Good to hear that we will get some swag that they get in SF!

sabrinang commented 6 years ago

@westraco If it isn't too late for a sticker, I have exported a design on a die-cut stickermule template here:

The dimensions are 75mm x 50mm.

westraco commented 6 years ago

These are great. I ordered them yesterday, they'll be delivered by Wed next week, so we'll just give them out midweek. Thank you!

KevZawacki commented 6 years ago

Hi @sabrinang ,

Plenary speakers are sending over their slides today/tomorrow, and I'll be porting them into the master document you created.

Once everyone's are in, can I ping you for a design review / tweak?

sabrinang commented 6 years ago

@KevZawacki Yup just let me know and I'll be happy to review it

KevZawacki commented 6 years ago

Hi @sabrinang,

The master slide deck is ready for your review. Thank you again for your help!

One specific question: For the speaker intro slides (4, 5, 13, 28, 38), I'm having trouble getting headshots to fit in the right-third. What could we do instead? Perhaps we simply use a different format slide?

sabrinang commented 6 years ago

@KevZawacki Do you have these headshots somewhere I can access? I can try to put them in the layout or design something that works for the headshots

KevZawacki commented 6 years ago

@sabrinang I just have what's in Phonebook (Renee / Melissa / Jon / Kasia).

Some are pretty low res. Perhaps our best bet is using slide 59 as our speaker intro slides? I defer to you!

KevZawacki commented 6 years ago

(@sabrinang Also, Linet won't be speaking -- she's unable to make the trip.)

sabrinang commented 6 years ago

I put the headshots in slides 4 (Renee), 14 (Melissa), 29 (Jon) & 40 (Kasia). I fixed text alignment on 22-26.

You can delete slide 5 (but you have an assigned comment on it though) and if Linet is not speaking you can delete 6 or 6-12 if that is her entire section? Other than removing these mentioned slides it looks good to me @KevZawacki

KevZawacki commented 6 years ago

@sabrinang Heroic! Thank you for your help. I'll make those final changes momentarily.