MozillaFoundation / Mozfest2016_production

This repo is to track the MozFest 2016 production work
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Consent form for under 16 yrs of age participation at MozFest #142

Open Saallen opened 7 years ago

Saallen commented 7 years ago

Here is the approved and final version of the consent form for under 16 yrs old at MozFest. All under 16 attending the festival must hand over a completed form to access the venue. It covers

It can be filled out by the parent the morning of the event or the guardian as they arrive. However if the guardian fills out the form all young people must be given a yellow lanyard, unless the parent has otherwise stated.

Consent form 2016.pdf

SpikeUK commented 7 years ago

Just for clarification (as I have been involved in discussions around this subject in the past), this process and form is only applicable to people BEFORE they reach their 16th birthday. Andi is coming to MozFest with a parent and it's their 16th birthday on 29th Oct 2016. So, on Friday they will need to fill out the form and wear yellow lanyard (unless decided otherwise by parent). But if they skip the Science Fair and do not arrive until Saturday, they are now treated as under 18.

Saallen commented 7 years ago

Hey @spikeuk Andi still needs to hand over a signed form as he is under 18 as per our legal requirement He can attend the festival along once he is 16 but the media consent concerns all under 18