MozillaFoundation / Mozfest2016_production

This repo is to track the MozFest 2016 production work
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Design: Name Card #148

Closed edrushka closed 7 years ago

edrushka commented 7 years ago

This ticket is for the design of the name card/name tag that hangs on the lanyard. 22482329519_622a2381f0_m 22840128102_20df8584b1_m 22686916430_721fb649b5_m

Front of card:

Must have:

Should have:

edrushka commented 7 years ago

@marcwalsh @Saallen this encompasses everything we discussed today with the exception of wifi/connectivity. I hesitate to include this because network names and passwords often change at the very last minute. IMO, it would be worse to have incorrect information than no information at all. What do you think?

SpikeUK commented 7 years ago

@edrushka @marcwalsh @Saallen Could we maybe leave clear space for Wi-Fi details and maybe print these on stickers that could be stuck-on when the Volunteers are assembling them? @Marcwalsh - will we have last minute label printing facilities on site?

marcwalsh-zz commented 7 years ago

@edrushka @SpikeUK @Saallen - Network name and password will be fine. We can pre-agree this with Ravensbourne well in advance to ensure that it doesn't change.

I'm checking if the password can be disabled on the network if not we can use something simple such as mozfest16 or oneweb16

edrushka commented 7 years ago

Ok, I'll add wifi info to the back of the card info. @kristinashu this is ready for you to present to Ed and Carrie-Ann.

kristinashu commented 7 years ago

Yes, I think that's all the info we need!

Saallen commented 7 years ago

Hey- just a note on

SpikeUK commented 7 years ago

I think it should stay to the festival@ address rather than just you @Saallen . It give gives transparency within the team and has multiple eyes. After all, the complaint may be about you ;-)

marcwalsh-zz commented 7 years ago

@Saallen I think an email and phone number is the way to go, some international visitors wouldn't use a telephone number and an email is quite identifiable. Could we not make a email that could be used for that which then could be forwarded to a smaller group?

kristinashu commented 7 years ago

@sabrinang and I have mocked up the name cards:

We are restricted in size to A6 (same as last year).

Design is similar to what was in the style guide but with some added space at the bottom of stickers ("I speak _____" and science's matching game).

Please let me know if you have any feedback about the design (pink vs blue/purple) or content.

edrushka commented 7 years ago

These look good! I think I prefer the blue/purple simply because of how the cog and wordmark pop so nicely. There's been some discussion about lanyard pricing and we may be limited in our colours (which may impact the colour you want for the card) @marcwalsh can you update on lanyard strings?

kristinashu commented 7 years ago

For lanyard strings, most colors could work (including black) with the exception of red or orange which would clash with all our palette.

SpikeUK commented 7 years ago

I think we are reserving the yellow lanyards to signify people do not wish to be filmed/photographed

Saallen commented 7 years ago

Hello confirming the festival hot line +44 (0) 207 855 3030

kristinashu commented 7 years ago

I've added the phone number and updated the copy based on redpen feedback. Only missing piece is the wifi network and password (for @marcwalsh to confirm). We will decide on colour once we know the lanyard colour.

edrushka commented 7 years ago

@Saallen please review and sign off on the content on the back of the lanyard card:

Saallen commented 7 years ago

Hello I just left some comments- I would like the safety piece changed, especially in regards to too many locations for vital and super important information to get lost- This will never work if there are too many options for failure. Safety approach 5th floor info desk, email or call XXXXXXX All reports will be held in the strictest confidence

In regard to listing Help and safety are confusing above each other

Can we move help (onsite) to connects position and put connect above safety? We don't want ppl going on IG looking for help with supplies.

SpikeUK commented 7 years ago

I agree with Sarah - I would prefer to not involve the local volunteers in the reporting chain for reports of breaches of CofC. Having said that, anyone with a radio should be fair game.

kristinashu commented 7 years ago

Redpen has been updated with that feedback

Waiting to hear back about wifi, slack, and lanyard color.

marcwalsh-zz commented 7 years ago

WiFi information:

Network Name: RaveEvents Password: mozfest16

marcwalsh-zz commented 7 years ago

@kristinashu (sorry should have tagged you!)

kristinashu commented 7 years ago

I've updated the comps

Just need to know what the lanyard colour options are and then we can choose blue/purple or pink. But people seem like people prefer the blue/purple.

marcwalsh-zz commented 7 years ago


We can get pantone matched lanyards... if required and they're not too much more money. Let me know the colour that works best with the design you want and I'll order them.

kristinashu commented 7 years ago

Great! I spoke with @sabrinang and we think the lanyard should be blue (Pantone 072).

screen shot 2016-10-12 at 12 30 10 pm

Then we'll go with the pink name card.

kristinashu commented 7 years ago

Here's the final mockup

@edrushka can you please sign off on the content.

@marcwalsh how do you want the file (.ia, pdf, how much bleed...)?

edrushka commented 7 years ago

@kristinashu did you determine if we use "floor 4" or "level 4" in the other assets?

kristinashu commented 7 years ago

@edrushka I can't find anywhere else we reference Floor or Level but Level seems more commonly used in tickets and it was used on last years map. I updated Ground Floor to Ground Level on that last update.

edrushka commented 7 years ago

R+ on content. This looks very good. Nicely done! :dancing_men:

kristinashu commented 7 years ago

@edrushka shoot! Just noticed the schedule app uses Floor.

edrushka commented 7 years ago brain kept telling me there was somewhere we were being inconsistent. Not a huge deal. If you can update the card go ahead. If you prefer to keep as-is, that's fine. I think it's more important we're consistent across the graphic assets.

kristinashu commented 7 years ago

I've stuck with 'Level' and will use it consistently for print materials.

screen shot 2016-10-13 at 1 54 41 pm screen shot 2016-10-13 at 1 54 53 pm

@marcwalsh here are the print files for the name card:

Print color should be as close to Pantone Pastels Neones 807 as possible.

screen shot 2016-10-13 at 1 51 38 pm
marcwalsh-zz commented 7 years ago

Hey @kristinashu,

I'll need an outline of where the hole punch will go, are you able to add this please (as a separate layer).

kristinashu commented 7 years ago

@marcwalsh I've updated the files to have the two holes

The holes are the same size and distance from the top as last year, except there are two of them. Will the lanyard clip be the same as last year? If so then this should work but let me know if they're going to be a different type.

nametag-01 nametag-02
marcwalsh-zz commented 7 years ago

Sent to printers!

kristinashu commented 7 years ago

People found the extra info on the back useful. A lot of people tweeted their name card. But volunteers complained about the extra time it took to attached two clips instead of one per lanyard.

artboard jpg