MozillaFoundation / Mozfest2016_production

This repo is to track the MozFest 2016 production work
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How can Network Pulse feed into the festival website? #165

Open StevieBenton opened 7 years ago

StevieBenton commented 7 years ago

I'm going to spend some time reviewing Network Pulse - initial thoughts are very positive! - and thinking about how to make use of some of the content and concepts into the festival website.

@xmatthewx it would be really helpful to speak with you about this at some point on Vidyo. Is there a time or date that works well for you? I'm on London time but can be flexible to work around your locality, whether Eastern or Pacific.

Thank you!

StevieBenton commented 7 years ago

Some preliminary thoughts.

I really like the aggregation of a variety of tools, stories and issues. There's no shortage of content, with lots of different contributors. Plenty of storytelling, as well as a focus on tools. Including learning activities is a great touch

Some content which might convert well to the festival: Running sprints and community events - this is great because we want to encourage further collaboration from folks who care about the free and open web. This could be built into a feature about how to run your own event after the festival to build on your ideas or work

Tips for designing safe and inclusive events for women and girls - Not so much as a stand alone piece, rather to support a larger piece around the MozFest approach to inclusivity in general

Power and empowerment on the internet - this kind of story really cuts to the heart of what the festival, and the ethos of what we are trying to do

These are just some preliminary thoughts to clarify my thinking!

xmatthewx commented 7 years ago

Met with @StevieBenton earlier this week. Chatted about how we'll use Pulse to gather info from the science fair etc to feed stories throughout the weekend. Fledgling plans for a kiosk: #156