MozillaFoundation / Mozfest2016_production

This repo is to track the MozFest 2016 production work
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Stay connected and collaborative- post mozfest 2016 #217

Open Saallen opened 7 years ago

Saallen commented 7 years ago

Thinking about rallying our attendees from 2016 Mozfest we want to engage and offer a route for further collaboration and connectivity post event- I want to send an email to all facilitators to get them to use our tools and resources before we go to Hawaii

@xmatthewx do you think the embedded version of Pulse will be ready and on the website by then? @acabunoc are you happy for this to be the page linked out

cc @edrushka

xmatthewx commented 7 years ago

I'm comfortable pointing facilitators directly to Pulse in it's current form. I'm not sure we'll have a v2 by then. For the general public, projects will be put on the festival site directly, without mention of Pulse for now like on staging. (issue)

abbycabs commented 7 years ago

Happy to link out to -- I'll be updating with info on maintaining your community post-mozfest soon!