MozillaFoundation / Mozfest2016_production

This repo is to track the MozFest 2016 production work
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Peek at Etherpad Documentation #218

Open xmatthewx opened 7 years ago

xmatthewx commented 7 years ago

@auremoser @mmmavis – While we didn't advertise it broadly, we know that many facilitators leveraged the etherpads link from the schedule app for documentation.

We'd like to gather the etherpads and do a quick count of how many were used. If many were used, we can drop them into a fork of the London analyzer.

Can either of you help to gather those pads?

auremoser commented 7 years ago

Totes, how are the pads generated again, for the app? I'm sure it's a repo I have access to, I just haven't found it. Happy to take a look at it after the Study Group call tomorrow AM.

xmatthewx commented 7 years ago

Excellent. Here's a spreadsheet of session info. It's a duplicate, so edit freely. If I have some time, I'll try and pull things into a single tab.

xmatthewx commented 7 years ago

I pulled all the sessions into a single tab and hid all the unrelated columns. There's a chance of copy-pasta errors ... it seems like some spaces added additional columns to their tab. There are also some broken IDs. We should aim for 90% & easy, rather than perfection.

xmatthewx commented 7 years ago

Change of plan. You can use previous links to resolve missing and broken data. I've moved session metadata into my stats spreadsheet. Let's use this as canonical home.

auremoser commented 7 years ago

O.k. cool, I know we're also corresponding on another thread but this was my open tab so here goes!

Here's a quick prototype, I guess my objective was, working from your spreadsheet of etherpads, how can we get some basic keywords and stats on a per-space basic, and also generate json files for all the etherpad contents per session so we can do more analysis later.

Instructions are in the README for how to run it, but I think maybe the stats.json file is the most interesting because it kind of summarizes the basics at the space level, and we can add more stats and then maybe run this everytime we have a Mozfest for some retrospective visualizations.

To note: I used an older version of your stats sheet so some of the errors you corrected on the other github thread (catching up now, sorry for the delay) might not be incorporated but the basic process should be the same.

Let's talk about what we want to do with this!

xmatthewx commented 7 years ago

This is great. Thanks for digging in! It looks like 4 or 5 of the spaces used etherpad a bunch.

I created a list of keywords we could use to explore the five issues more. We used those in the etherpad analyzer prototype from this summer. Should we fork it? Add these pads? See what happens?

@auremoser – in your stats, if a pad has default text, that's considered empty – correct? Is that default text included in character count? Just curious.

Original stats thread:

auremoser commented 7 years ago

Good questions @xmatthewx , I need to set it up so it kicks out the default content, forgot about that :(

Feel free to fork and PR, or just fork and work from there in the Mofoundation organization?

Thanks for the keyword list, I should modify the script to look for those.

xmatthewx commented 7 years ago

@vojtechmzl – here's a discussion on the etherpads from mozfest. @auremoser extracted the pads. Here's the analyzer prototype and its repo. We haven't had a chance to merge the new pads with the former prototype. Volunteers welcome!