MozillaFoundation / Mozfest2016_production

This repo is to track the MozFest 2016 production work
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Schedule app stats #220

Open xmatthewx opened 7 years ago

xmatthewx commented 7 years ago

I've gathered a bunch of stats on sessions, spaces, and overall use of the schedule app. Some interesting info in there. See the tabs in this spreadsheet. Feel free to add notes and comments.

@Saallen @edrushka @marcwalsh @auremoser @mmmavis @kristinashu

The festival is over, the reach was huge. 10,000 people browsed the MozFest schedule. 6300 were remote, not in the UK. They searched 2500 times, viewed indvidual session details 40k times, fav'd a session 11k times.

edrushka commented 7 years ago

So fascinating! Love how the data shows what pathways were most appealing to people. Thanks for compiling this - it's super valuable information.

xmatthewx commented 7 years ago

cc @sabrinang - here are the stats

xmatthewx commented 7 years ago

The Space and Pathway overview tab tells one story. It shifts some looking at the sessions within a Space. I added another tab that adds up session stats within each space and pathway. Could be useful in planning spaces and pathways next year.

Interesting bits? Sessions in any pathway had 20% more views than sessions with no pathway. They were Fav'd only a little bit more, but clearly gained visibility. Sessions in AR, VR & Machine Learning received the most Favs per session. Dialogues and Debates was second most. After that, Storytelling came before all other Favs measured by space or pathway. (All these numbers are looking at just the top viewed 250 sessions.)

This probably concludes my look at analytics, until we stumble on something interesting in the etherpad documentation.

xmatthewx commented 7 years ago

@vojtechmzl – here's the issue on stats from the mozfest schedule app. link to spreadsheet. I'd welcome any advice, insight, or recommendations on tools to push this further.

mmmavis commented 7 years ago

@xmatthewx thanks for putting this together! 🍰