MozillaFoundation / Mozfest2016_production

This repo is to track the MozFest 2016 production work
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Rules for Github #9

Closed Saallen closed 7 years ago

Saallen commented 8 years ago

We need rules and steps for github integration and curation

cc @edrushka

Saallen commented 8 years ago

Last years rules

Spaces Each space is represented as a Github "milestone". Each milestone includes description of its respective space. You can click on the name of a space to see all the associated pathways and sessions. You can modify sessions to be part of your space by adding them to the appropriate "milestone."

Pathway Each pathway is represented as a Github "label.". You can add new labels, change the color and change the name: Labels can be applied to sessions (i.e. individual Github issues) to indicate that the session is part of that pathway. You can then search for and see all the sessions that are part of that pathway. There's not limit to the number of labels you can apply to a session

Session Each session is a Github Issue. They can be easily labeled to be part of a pathway. You can also comment on them, edit them, and "close" them if they are not a good fit for Mozfest.

Signal your interest in the sessions you want to take on:

* A. Apply a pathway label to indicate you want to include it in your pathway. A session can have multiple labels. * B. Apply your space milestone to all your pathways and sessions that you want included within your space. Note: in Github, a session can only be assigned to one space milestone. \ C. CC yourself in the comment section of a session if you want to be notified about changes to this session and otherwise be involved in deciding to keep or tweak it.

Accepting and declining sessions. 

* How to accept a session: Add a pathway label and/or space milestone. This indicates you are taking responsibility for the session's inclusion and success at Mozfest. The issue will remain open. * How to suggest declining a session: Any session issue that is unlabeled and without a space milestone will be perceived as not accepted for this year's festival.