MozillaFoundation / convenings

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BBQ questions for staff #11

Open Saallen opened 8 years ago

Saallen commented 8 years ago

You know when you are at a party/BBQ and you are asked who you work for...sometimes you get a brief eyebrow raise and nod of acknowledgement at the work Firefox. Sometimes you are hit with a barrage of questions or at an event when someone in the crowd during the Q&A section asks you how Mozilla funds it work. Some questions can catch up off guard and some you are not fully prepared for.

We should have a document for staff to equipt them to answer these questions. It doesnt have to be textbook responses but a simple two liner to show we understand, can answer comfortably with knowledge - also know where we can point people to for further detail who want to know the nittygritty. I know @jessiekeating was working on a version called Elevator Speeches but I believe it was pitched for funder questions. BBQ questions we should prep for are

jessiekeating commented 8 years ago

Sarah, So glad you're asking these questions. Here's the Elevator Speech tutorial you referred to, for anyone who is interested. It will be posted on the new Fundraising Mana (coming soon!).

When I talk about Mozilla at BBQs, I get asked all of the above, plus...How can you compete against (or... Why are you competing with) Google Chrome? Having a succinct, pithy answer to that would make me happy.


On Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 8:38 AM, Sarah Allen wrote:

You know when you are at a party/BBQ and you are asked who you work for...sometimes you get a brief eyebrow raise and nod of acknowledgement at the work Firefox. Sometimes you are hit with a barrage of questions or at an event when someone in the crowd during the Q&A section asks you how Mozilla funds it work. Some questions can catch up off guard and some you are not fully prepared for.

We should have a document for staff to equipt them to answer these questions. It doesnt have to be textbook responses but a simple two liner to show we understand, can answer comfortably with knowledge - also know where we can point people to for further detail who want to know the nittygritty. I know @jessiekeating was working on a version called Elevator Speeches but I believe it was pitched for funder questions. BBQ questions we should prep for are

  • How does the Foundation fund its work
  • what is the relationship between the Foundation and the Corporation
  • What makes Mozilla Foundation a charity?
    • is this status worldwide
  • any more suggestions??

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Jessie Keating Fundraising Associate Institutional Grants

c: 585.355.7175 irc: jessiekeating skype: Jessie.KeatingNY

Saallen commented 8 years ago
