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Add new VP to sites #3765

Closed kristinashu closed 4 years ago

kristinashu commented 4 years ago

Need to add new VP - Bob Alotta to both:

@anilkanji to gather content:

Kristina to crop image and add to fo'mo site. Once ready, @alanmoo to assign a dev to add to moco site.

kristinashu commented 4 years ago

This has been updated on our site. Just need extra bio info for Bob in order for devs to add it to

alanmoo commented 4 years ago

@anilkanji when you've got the content, drop it in this ticket and assign to me.

kristinashu commented 4 years ago

Here's the name, title, and headshot. So just need the bio.

J. Bob Alotta, VP, Global Programs

J  Bob Alotta, VP, Global Programs

anilkanji commented 4 years ago

Hi @alanmoo - it looks like we're not going to get the bio for a little while. Can we please start the process to getting this up on, and we can add the bio in later?

alanmoo commented 4 years ago

My team is pretty light this week and next/focused on PNI so I've submitted this to the Bedrock team intake form.

ejregithub commented 4 years ago

The websites team can do this. Ping me when the bio is ready.

anilkanji commented 4 years ago

@ejregithub We're still waiting on the bio. Would you please be able to put it up without a bio for now?

ejregithub commented 4 years ago

Please push for the bio. Right now the request does not meet the definition of ready (all required components available) for the team to take on a work request.

alanmoo commented 4 years ago

@ejregithub Here's the bio. It came with a request to include the photo credit (Photo Credit: Lola Flash) wherever it's used. Is there somewhere it can be attached?

J. Bob Alotta is a veteran movement builder and nonprofit executive working at the intersection of technology and communities.

Prior to joining Mozilla, Bob led the Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice, a global foundation based in New York City that provides critical resources to LGBTQI+ organizations and individuals around the world. Over eight years, Bob quintupled the global footprint of the organization which makes more grants in the global south and east than any other funder in their sector. She built a funding program aimed specifically at strengthening movements by adding extra support for digital security, data use, and internet freedom to otherwise “non-tech” grants. Bob worked with major funders to bring money into Astraea -- and to influence what else these funders invested in worldwide. And, Bob built bridges between the LGBTQI+ and digital rights worlds.

It was through this last bit of work that Bob met Mozilla: At MozFest and as a Mozilla fellowship host organization. Now serving as Vice President, Global Programs at Mozilla Foundation, Bob brings their experience both building movements, and building bridges across movements. Bob works with allies across the movement to develop clear goals and real momentum on issues like trustworthy AI; helps Mozilla fellows and awardees become stronger community organizers and leaders; and grows the diversity and geographical scope across our programs, with an emphasis on expanding our work outside North America.

alanmoo commented 4 years ago

@ejregithub Anything else you need from us for this one?

kristinashu commented 4 years ago

Adding to this ticket that Ronald Lemos needs to be removed from our sites. He has resigned from the board and needs to be moved to emeritus ASAP. I have removed him from and added a comment to remove him from

kristinashu commented 4 years ago

Thank you all! This is live!