MozillaFoundation / mozfest-design-2018

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Wayfinding: Floor Plan Maps #42

Closed sabrinang closed 6 years ago

sabrinang commented 6 years ago


Update location of spaces and specific locations for this year and update the branding and colours. This content includes highlighting:

The collection of maps include:


Print: .pdfs exported using custom Pixart templates Dimensions: A3 + A2 Format: Cardboard printing had ink spreading (blurry text), last year we used a plastic but consider using something that is recyclable? Quantity: 22 x Generic Floor Maps 2 x 11 Floor Specific Maps 2 x Large A2 Generic Floor Maps

Previous Applications mozilla-festival-2017-268

Reference from Last Year:

Google Drive Files: Github Issue:

sabrinang commented 6 years ago

Note: Confirm dates when the spaces will be finalized by (project spreadsheet says Oct 1)

gideonthomas commented 6 years ago

Hopefully this should be ready by the third week of September. Tracking issue for the space information is here:

gideonthomas commented 6 years ago

@makikoumezawa the location info copied from mozilla/ is:


Experiences Art+Data - M (or mezzanine) Tracked - 5 Queering MozFest - 6

Extra areas- (that dont have to be on the map but might have high footfall) Mozilla Zone - 1 Emergent Sessions - 8 Prototyping Lab 9

Other content:

Registration- 0
Dialogues & Debates Stage - 0
Main Stage - 4
#MozHelp - 4
Quiet Space - 0
Lunch- 0, 4, 7, 9
Info Booth - at entrance to 2, 6, 7, 8, 9
Coffee 0, 5, 9 
Water- all floors (same as last year)
Toilets all floors ( same as last year)

(Private access internet) Lounge 5

I have also shared the floor plans for Ravensbourne with you. Let me know if you're missing any information.

makikoumezawa commented 6 years ago

Here is a draft of the floor maps. Please review before being exported.

PDF version:

/cc @gideonthomas @sabrinang

sabrinang commented 6 years ago

Great work on this so far @makikoumezawa and I left some comments in the redpen for content inconsistencies.

Some overall design feedback:

gideonthomas commented 6 years ago

@Saallen how do the floor maps look:

makikoumezawa commented 6 years ago

@sabrinang I've made all the corrections from your feedback and included version 2 on Redpen.

Pdf version:

@Saallen Can you please confirm if I placed Quiet Space, Lounge, Study Zone, and Emergent Sessions in the correct location? I'm aware which level they are on but I couldn't find any information where these spaces will be located specifically.

/cc @gideonthomas

Saallen commented 6 years ago

Hey @makikoumezawa I reviewed and made some edits here scan-1.pdf

level 1 0- Quiet space is next door to where you allocated Mezz on my print out has the M right up against Art....weirdly its not on the digital versions Level 1 is fine Level 2 is fine Level 3 is fine Level 4 has too many words- Remove study zone I would suggest removing Stage and leaving big space but I don't mind Level 5 Lounge is in the wrong position- see scan for correct position Gaming MozFest is by the balcony and coffee should be shifted a little to the left (although dont mind leaving in current location is you think it looks better) level 6 Looks fine Level 7 looks fine but the food are is a room so added broken lines to the map. 708 is positioned a little more to the left nearer the balcony but dont mind if you want to keep location if it looks better Level 8 Emergent sessions are in 801 Level 9 Shift coffee a little to the left as its does sit right by the balcony ( again if you think it looks better in its current position then I'm fine with you leaving it) Shift 905 to the x position and the info booht to the ? position

Saallen commented 6 years ago

Good to note the the level list at the bottom of each large map on level 4 you share Main Stage/Web Literacy

gideonthomas commented 6 years ago

@makikoumezawa -- requesting one more change (since it can be a bit confusing). Can we separate out lunch into two things?

So in the legend it would be: \<fork and knife icon> Hot Lunch \<some appropriate icon> Grab & Go Food

and then mark them on the maps? Grab & Go Food will be on Level 0 and 9 Hot Lunch will be on Level 4 and 7.

Let me know if you're able to make these changes.

gideonthomas commented 6 years ago

@makikoumezawa how's this going?

makikoumezawa commented 6 years ago

screen shot 2018-10-15 at 2 53 30 pm

@gideonthomas I've included all the requests and made Sarah's corrections.

PDF version: Redpen:

/cc @Saallen @sabrinang

gideonthomas commented 6 years ago

@Saallen would you be able to review these one last time?

@makikoumezawa would you be able to export each map as a separate pdf?

makikoumezawa commented 6 years ago

@gideonthomas Here's the folder with all maps and background layered sheets as separate pdfs:

Saallen commented 6 years ago

Aproved and look so pretty- Thanks 🌹

marcwalsh commented 6 years ago

@makikoumezawa - I think there may be an error on the L8 background. Could you check as it appears to be purple instead of the pink. :)

makikoumezawa commented 6 years ago

@marcwalsh - Thank you for finding my mistake. I've changed the L8 Background pdf and updated on the folder.

marcwalsh commented 6 years ago

Sent to print!! Thanks 🍦

sabrinang commented 6 years ago

Post MozFest Documentation

The floor plan maps from pixart had issues in delivery so it was partially delivered and we ended up printing the rest at aspect print. We assembled the map on backgrounds and used a spacer to keep it consistent. We mounted the maps in lifts, outside the lifts and high traffic areas near the stairs. The layered style helped the maps stand out against the many posters in the space.

31778184848_3ee6cf59ae_z dsc02558 img_5916 img_6028