MozillaFoundation / mozfest-design-2018

A repo to keep track of Mozilla Festival 2018 design production work
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MozFest & MozFest House: Sponsorship Design Assets #75

Closed sabrinang closed 5 years ago

sabrinang commented 6 years ago


An overview of the sponsorship that is included in design assets this year.

MozFest Assets

Presenting festival partner only

All Partners

MozFest House Assets may include

Sponsorship Swag


Here are some dates that we need hi-res (vector) logos and sponsorship titles received by to be included in the print or digital asset (if it is received later than this date it'll be miss being sent to print, for digital assets they may be included depending on capacity):

Asset Sponsors Assets Must Be Received By
Website Oct 8
Printed Festival Guide Sept 28
Motion Graphic Video Oct 8
Banner Sept 28
Screens near stage Oct 15
MozFest House Screens Oct 8

Reference to Last Year

GIthub Issue:

sabrinang commented 6 years ago

@jcbarajas /ccing you on this issue so we can coordinate on these print/digital deadlines listed above. Can you check the list of desired assets you want to incorporate sponsorship? If there are more please comment on this issue and I'll file the corresponding asset issues so it can be included and triaged.

You can link any sponsorship logos (vector format prefered) you receive to be included in design on this issue.

Saallen commented 5 years ago

linking in @consuelamckenzie can you take this to your next sponsorship meeting.

consuelamckenzie commented 5 years ago

@Saallen This is already in play for the sponsorship team, they are aware of the following dates and all are we reiterate during every meeting since August 28th.

Asset | Sponsors Assets Must Be Received By Website | October 8 Printed Festival Guide | September 28 Motion Graphic Video | October 15 Banner | October 1 Screens near stage | October 15 MozFest House Screens | October 8 Guidebook | September 30

All dates listed at the top of our meeting notes google doc.

We will continue to go through the dates up until each deadline...!


consuelamckenzie commented 5 years ago

@gideonthomas I hear these dates might change - Can you please confirm the dates you need all assets by? Thanks! Consuela

Saallen commented 5 years ago

Confirming on the 19/9/18 we have the following sponsorship partners and committed to branding these assets.

@consuelamckenzie to confirm what exactly "branded lounge space" means + can this be something the sponsor does on their own ?? And what does ""Reg Area Sponsor sign"" mean? @consuelamckenzie to confirm that the design assets listed below is accurate.

cc @sabrinang and @marcwalsh for information and ensuring we are matching our commitments @gideonthomas

List of partner design assets

Presenting festival partner

Science Fair partner

Closing party partner

Youth Zone partner

gideonthomas commented 5 years ago

@sabrinang would you be able to edit the comment above with the updated list of assets (and qty) you will be creating?

sabrinang commented 5 years ago

@gideonthomas I updated my original comment for this issue and filed new issues for the presenting festival partner assets.

consuelamckenzie commented 5 years ago

@gideonthomas @Saallen @sabrinang

After my conversation and emails with the sponsorship team, they would like you to design the assets and send over to them for approval.

For further clarity on the items above here is an updated sponsor benefits spreadsheet with descriptions for each item. This is the detail of what was promised to our sponsors.

The sponsorship team would like the Presenting Partner logo to show up on in as many places as possible with their titling - Presenting Festival Partner. This is throughout MozHouse and MozFest.

The lounge space is what the team are devising with PIA. In terms of design, we need to make sure the 2,500 Mozfest attendee's know we have a lounge space, where it is, and that it's clearly marked when you get there. The PIA logo has to be displayed in the festival guide, directional signage, entrance signage.

There are three options they have given us for branding - the choice of which logo fits where is yours. Logo Private Internet Health

If further explanation is needed @jcbarajas can talk you through the detail.

Saallen commented 5 years ago

Hey @sabrinang and @gideonthomas I updated where the science fair partner and the sunday party partner posters will be located- please note this is not in the lobby as origionally thought

gideonthomas commented 5 years ago


Sponsor List

Name Image Partnership Type Link
Sticker Mule Image Closing Party Partner Link
Private Internet Access Image Presenting Festival Partner Link
Internet Society Image Science Fair Partner Link
Samsung Image Youth Zone Partner Link

Here are the list of design assets that need to be created. If there is more than one partner logo for an asset, you do not need to create separate assets for each logo.


Asset Dimensions Presenting Festival Partner Science Fair Partner Youth Zone Partner Closing Party Partner Qty (tentative)
Website logo - MozFest Sponsor Page - Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Logo in motion graphic video - Yes Yes Yes Yes -

Would you also be able to quickly design a slide template for Science Fair and the main stage (D&D) that has whatever branding we're using for those two events. This is totally optional if you have time.


Asset Dimensions Presenting Festival Partner Science Fair Partner Youth Zone Partner Closing Party Partner Qty (tentative)
Logo in Festival guide on sponsor page - Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Logo in Festival guide on last page - Yes - - - -
Sponsorship Banner 2ft wide x 7.1ft tall Yes Yes Yes Yes x2
Science Fair sign (poster) A2 Yes Yes - - x10
MozFest Party sign (poster) A2 Yes - - - x10
Networking Breakfast sign (poster) A2 Yes - - - x10
Closing Party sign (poster) A2 Yes - - Yes x10
Youth Zone sign (poster) A2 Yes - Yes - x5
Science Fair Food/bar station (poster) A2 Yes Yes - - x10
Closing Party Food/bar station (poster) A2 Yes - - Yes x10
Generic Food/bar station (poster) A2 Yes - - - x10
Step and repeat - with MozFest and Mozilla Logos as well 227cm x 227cm x 30cm Yes - - - x1
MozFest House floor display - Yes - - - x5
General use floor display - Yes - - - x10
Floor sticker for lobby large Yes - - - x2
Floor sticker for closing party large - - - Yes x1
Registration table (foamex posters) A2/A3 Yes - - - x4
Volunteer T-shirt sleeves - Yes - - - -
gideonthomas commented 5 years ago

@Saallen can you review copy template for the following signs:

Event signs (Science Fair, MozFest House, etc.)


Food/Bar signs

Food & Drink Sponsored by \<PARTNER LOGO and NAME> \<PARTNERSHIP TYPE>

Also, Sabrina mentioned that we can't really put stuff up on walls at RSA, so I changed the MozFest House event signs to be floor displays instead.

Saallen commented 5 years ago

Looks great

Saallen commented 5 years ago

@gideonthomas your step and repeat is wrong- its only the presenting partner here- not Sf

gideonthomas commented 5 years ago

Oh nice catch, thanks!