"Tania Kovat's 'TIDE' is a live animated digital artwork, produced by The Swarm, that shows the high tide as it travels around the British Isles. The Swarm has sourced data from almost 400 locations around the coast of the British Isles and created a dynamic map that blends in with Tania's analogue photographs of drying salt.
The map disappears into the background and only as the high tide moves the outline of the coast is revealed. The data points are transformed into a spatial map using a mathematical way of dividing an area into polygons called a Voronoi tessellation and then blurred to create a smooth transition between areas.
The sound track blends shipping chatter, wave sound recorded at Newlyn (from where the high tide is measured) and a dramatically slowed down naval hymn, to create an erie yet calming setting for contemplation about our relationship to the seas that surround us. "
[ ID ] 856f5f30-fc75-4506-99be-1fb49963a643
[ Submitter's Name ] Simon Allen [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] The Swarm [ Submitter's Twitter ] @entertheswarm
[ Space ] exhibit [ Secondary Space ] digital
[ Exhibit Method ] Online Digital Live Animation [ Exhibit Link ] http://sightsoundandsea.co.uk/tk
"Tania Kovat's 'TIDE' is a live animated digital artwork, produced by The Swarm, that shows the high tide as it travels around the British Isles. The Swarm has sourced data from almost 400 locations around the coast of the British Isles and created a dynamic map that blends in with Tania's analogue photographs of drying salt.
The map disappears into the background and only as the high tide moves the outline of the coast is revealed. The data points are transformed into a spatial map using a mathematical way of dividing an area into polygons called a Voronoi tessellation and then blurred to create a smooth transition between areas.
The sound track blends shipping chatter, wave sound recorded at Newlyn (from where the high tide is measured) and a dramatically slowed down naval hymn, to create an erie yet calming setting for contemplation about our relationship to the seas that surround us. "