MozillaFoundation / mozfest-program-2016

Mozilla Festival proposals for 2016
67 stars 13 forks source link


Open mozfest-bot opened 8 years ago

mozfest-bot commented 8 years ago

[ ID ] bec380ff-3fe0-4190-a6a0-05bd69cb7900

[ Submitter's Name ] John Bevan [ Submitter's Affiliated Organisation ] We Are Open Co-op

[ Space ] badges [ Secondary Space ] badges

[ Format ] hands-on


Using the starting points of doteveryone's Basic Digital Skills, Workplace Skills, and Digital Leadership Skills programmes, NCVO's Skills Lab work, and London CLC's Digital Champions Curriculum, this workshop will find commonalities, overlaps, and ways forward for badges relating to digital skills.

We'll map out existing programmes, badges and pathways and then work to flesh out, fill gaps and imagine new links and partnerships between established players as well as welcoming new entrants to the digital skills space.


With the help of post-its, string, peer assists and inclusive facilitators, we will identify 'constellations' of badges that will both interest learners and help recognise their skills. People walking past the workshop space will see people crouching on the floor, or sat at tables, making tangible links between ideas and concepts using string. They'll see piles of coloured post-its from the brainstorming part, and they'll see people moving about, helping one another to meet the aims of the workshop.


Given the topic, we expect numbers to be nearer the 25 mark but, if we have fewer participants, it will allow us to go even more in-depth. We'll be working to find overlaps not only between the work that doteveryone, NCVO, and London CLC have already done, but future work from groups such as The Samaritans and the Tech Partnership, plus any walk up trade!.

We have a number of experienced facilitators, meaning that larger numbers can be catered for as well as smaller, more intimate groups.


We will encourage participants to make new badges described in the constellations in the workshop into real Open Badges. This could be done through Open Badge Academy or other badge platforms.

In addition, we will encourage collaborations and partnerships between organisations whose representatives may have met for the first time at MozFest, ensuring they have one another's contact details. The workshop should give an impetus to those who were 'sitting on the fence' and unsure whether to take the leap into the world of badges!

Finally, we will amplify the session in real-time on social media, and curate the photos/videos we take and share throughout our networks

dajbelshaw commented 8 years ago

After a conversation with Digitalme, let's update this to the following:


Using the starting points of doteveryone's Basic Digital Skills, Workplace Skills, and Digital Leadership Skills programmes, NCVO's Skills Lab work, and London CLC's Digital Champions Curriculum, this workshop will find commonalities, overlaps, and ways forward for badges-based flexible frameworks. It links closely to this fireside chat.

We'll provide examples of existing programmes, badges and pathways and then work to flesh out, fill gaps and imagine new links and partnerships between established players as well as welcoming new entrants to the digital skills space. This will be a hands-on, practical session.


With the help of post-its, string, peer assists and inclusive facilitators, we will identify 'constellations' of badges that will both interest learners and help recognise their skills. People walking past the workshop space will see people crouching on the floor, or sat at tables, making tangible links between ideas and concepts using string. They'll see piles of coloured post-its from the brainstorming part, and they'll see people moving about, helping one another to meet the aims of the workshop.


Given the topic, we expect numbers to be nearer the 25 mark but, if we have fewer participants, it will allow us to go even more in-depth. We'll be working to find overlaps not only between the work that doteveryone, NCVO, and London CLC have already done, but future work from groups such as The Samaritans and the Tech Partnership, plus any walk up trade!.

We have a number of experienced facilitators, meaning that larger numbers can be catered for as well as smaller, more intimate groups.


We will encourage participants to make new badges described in the constellations in the workshop into real Open Badges. This could be done through Open Badge Academy or other badge platforms. There will be obvious outputs in the form of a display of what participants have created.

In addition, we will encourage collaborations and partnerships between organisations whose representatives may have met for the first time at MozFest, ensuring they have one another's contact details. The workshop should give an impetus to those who were 'sitting on the fence' and unsure whether to take the leap into the world of badges!

Finally, we will amplify the session in real-time on social media, and curate the photos/videos we take and share throughout our networks

dajbelshaw commented 8 years ago

I think we can leave the title as-is for this one. Perhaps lose the all-caps though ;)